Ch. 15

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The next few days passed in a blur of activity, Lillabeth, Maelgywn and the knights constantly coming and going from the temple. Em couldn't do much but wait, she had no experience in strategizing, and taking back kingdom rights from evil half-brothers wasn't something she had an opinion on.

Her training with Lucan continued in the morning and Lillabeth would also take the time in the afternoon to teach her about this world. The knights would pat her shoulder in passing when they saw her, Everett had given her a book on their Gods escapades before disappearing back into the city to do whatever Maelgywn has tasked him with.

Telen sat with her when he could and kept her company, although when he stayed too long or got too close some of the younger acolytes would giggle and laugh and avoid Em for the rest of the day. They mostly avoided her anyway, they had their normal tasks and even when she tried to help, it normally ended in disaster. The bustle of activity was clearly something the Lead Priestess was not used to, yet she still ensured that the temple ran smoothly even with their important guests, finding something productive for Em to do was at the bottom of everyone's lists.

Em was mostly just bored and sad, everything had happened so quickly; she had confirmed that she had the flower, no one had asked any more questions about the flower, they couldn't see it and just had to trust that she had it. Lillabeth had asked how the portal had been created but Em truthfully had no idea about the doorway, she'd simply said she'd gotten the flower and once she had it, they had been transported here. Lillabeth had looked thoughtful but had not questioned her any further, other things quickly taking precedence.

It was the evening before the assault was happening, everyone had seemed tense, Maelgywn, Lillabeth and the knights had been cloistered in a room for most of the afternoon. Em had gotten bored with their discussions about how to best use their forces and who could be trusted, where they would position their people, weaknesses of the castle defences. It all turned meaningless after a while as they planned their great battle.

She was sitting in the stables keeping Golds company and thinking about what she was going to do. She had no idea how to admit what saving the Queen had cost her, yet some dark part had also been relieved that the choice of going home was now removed from her. Golds and she had been endlessly discussing everything Chicoronka could ask of her, each theory getting more and more absurd.

"Em," Telen called breaking unwittingly into their conversation  "where are you?"

The young squire had gone back to normal after they had come back from the pocket world, he clearly was over whatever had upset him and Em knew she should ask him what was going on but it felt weird to initiate that conversation. Dusting herself off she gave Golds one last pat on the neck, Golds nudging her back as left the comfort of the stables.

"What's up?" as soon as she said it, she immediately regretted it, thinking about her home so much had made her be casual again "Sorry, I mean what can I do for you?"

Telen looked at the sky and smirked "it looks like stars, clouds and the sky are 'up'" Em snorted, he had been the quickest to grasp her phrasing. "Maelgywn wants to go over your part in the plan tomorrow and make sure you're ready."

"I'm pretty sure my part is: wait here until someone comes for me, get taken to the Queen, crush a flower, and heal the Queen." Em walked alongside him as he opened the door and motioned her into the temple, she already knew where they were going so him guiding her was unnecessary. "Not really sure how I could screw that up."

"I think he wants to make sure you're okay, we haven't been around lately, and it may become even more difficult to see you soon." Telen grinned as though he was sharing a secret and Ems heart clenched, they still were expecting her to want to go home and had promised to help. She still didn't know if she was ready to tell them, to explain that her world was cut off to her now.

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