Ch. 1

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Hi! This story is under constant editing, I'm constantly trying to improve it. So if you wanna help or have something to say please don't hesitate to comment and share your thoughts.

Also sorry if there are spelling/grammar/ tense errors. I try really hard to read over it but I'm not perfect.

Thanks xx

 A feeling of dampness beneath her hands woke her from her sleep, the depth of silence like nothing she'd ever experienced before. Opening her eyes slowly she watched a faint swirl of mist recede into nothingness, with a calm detachment she noticed she was lying on soft, dewy grass coloured as though the rainbow lived within its blades.

Slowly standing up she realised she was on an island in the middle of vast space, stars twinkled above and around her, some even looked close enough to grasp in her hand. Mist swirled and twisted around her limiting her ability to see clearly. Squinting into the mist she noticed huge twisted trees with gnarled branches fading in and out as the mist continued to dance around them. She had no idea of how she got here or where exactly this place was, it wasn't exactly a place, it felt still and eerily quiet, there was no wind yet the branches and mist moved with deceptive speed to a beat only they knew.

She felt no panic, or confusion it was as though she had no emotions here, everything simply was and this place would always be. She was removed from all things here, nothing could touch her. This place was in between all of that, she was just one of many.

Feeling something almost like a physical tug she walked slowly up to a tree, it's limbs twisted at odd angles, carefully she tried to place her palm on its trunk, instantly she could feel violence radiating through her, anger flushes rolled down her body, her hand almost felt as though she put it into a hot stream, it had been completely submerged.

Pulling away she began to touch another of the trees, this one is stunted and sharp; it felt like ice, cool hatred and deep resolution seeped into her body like an slow groggy glacial river.

Every tree she could reach, she touched, each gave different varying emotions, jealousy, love, vengeance, deep sorrow and yet none felt right, none called to her.

The last tree that she for reached felt warmer, one branch even reaching for her, it curled around her wrist as she put her hand out, when it touched her she felt it's longing. With a deep breath she steps further into the rippling tree, with a sure knowledge this is all just a remarkable dream.

* * *

Em was cold, the bone deep cold of being wet and freezing for a long time. Shivering and teeth clenched together, she sat up. The sky was deep black, shimmering with more stars than she has ever seen. The moon was brighter than she had ever seen it before almost a lilac colour and because of it everything was thrown into varying shades of grey. There were dim flickering lights she could see straight ahead of her, everywhere else was dark. Trees were on either side of the ... Road? A dirt road covered with leaves and sharp rocks. Her head was pounding, and her body was sore as though she had fallen from somewhere high and landed wrong.

Her school uniform was dirty and torn in places, the skirts hem was ripped, and her shirt was dirty as though she had been rolling in grass. She felt like different as well, something unexplainable was off, the smells were not quite right; everything was clean and fresh but like nothing she had ever known before. Where were the electricity poles and the bright city lights? The houses, her room, her bed? Where was she? A hundred questions flashed through her mind at once. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in her own bed. She had been crying, her mother and her had been fighting again, well her mother had been fighting her again.

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