big brother  🖇🤍
i love you too and always 💙.

"Sir." He looked up from his phone and seen a woman in his face.

"Back the fuck up man covid is here. I know you see that big ass 6 feet sticker thats six feet away from me and yo breath stank. How you work at a store that sells all typa smell goods butcho breath stank ?" He said scrunching his face up at the woman as she frowned.

"I'm sorry. I was just going to say that you were holding up the line by just standing there on your phone and-"

"Do you pay this bill ?"

"No sir I don't."

"Okay well get the fuck out my face with the quick tension. EVERYBODY WHO THINKS IM HOLDING UP THE LINE CAN SUCK MY FUCKING DICK TIL IT FALL OFF. SIKE NAH NOT THE FALL OFF PART." He said yelling the last part.

"Now rang my shit up cus I got places to be."

After they finally got done ringing up the stuff, they told him his total.

"Your total is $521.48."

He gave them the money and left out with all the bags.

"Damnnnn." Him, Sai'Je, and Raivyn all said at the same time once they met back up with each other.

All of them had over 10 bags of shoes, clothes, jewelry, or smell goods in their hand.

"We balling out for lil Nyah." Sai'Je said.

"Period as we should. Shante said she got all her stuff from the other mall cause they had more places."

"I just feel like she gon buy the most stuff-"

"Oh you thought we was doneee ??? We gotta go to Wally Wally World to get all her snacks and shit." Sai'Je said as Raivyn agreed.

"Oh betttt." He said texting Nyah.

big brother 🖇🤍

lil sister 🔫💚
yo ?

big brother 🖇🤍
imma doordash the food to you cse we finna go somewhere else

lil sister 🔫💚
ohk..yall be safe mane forreal

big brother 🖇🤍
you wanna be a nigga so damn bad 😭 but we will

lil sister 🔫💚
oh stfu and lemme be great

He chuckled a little and put his phone up as they walked to the parking lot.

*skipping the car ride and the trip to walmart cse thats too much to write*

"We putting the gifts at Your house, Rai house, my house, or Shante house ?" Taison asked as they sat in the car.

"We can take it to Rai house because her closet is bigger than all of ours together."

"I prolly gotta move a few things but yeah y'all can bring em to my house. Imma text Shante and tell her the same thing."

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