A Sticky Situation

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Percy POV
Annabeth scanned the room and walked over to the other end of the kitchen where Sirius was trying to melt into his chair. "Take me to Percy's apartment." She said leaving no room for argument.

Annabeth POV
    I gave a sweet and obviously fake smile toward Sirius, "Yes, um, why don't you get someone uh else to take you... I have uh something to do." Sirius stuttered. "I can wait, just don't take to long." I said twirling my knife for effect, "Or we can go now?" Sirius said nervously. I turned around and walked to the door knowing that Sirius was too terrified of me to go in the other direction. This is the life, men cowering at your feet and being to terrified to disobey you. 

Ginny gave me a knowing smirk before disappearing into her house.

"So uh why Percy's apartment?" Sirius asked trying and failing to make conversation, "Like I said earlier, I don't have the best relationship with my Dad." I said. "Okay um, hold onto my arm?" Sirius said unsure of what to do, I grabbed his arm and we were off to Percy's apartment. "Okay, well, I best be leaving now." Sirius said when I didn't let go.

I rolled up his sleeve and found what I was looking for, torches crossed over each other. "Son of Trivia." I stated. Sirius' head dropped and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly "Yeah... who are you?" he said, "Athena is my mom." I replied confidently. "Isn't Athena a mai-" "It's complicated." I interrupted. Even I don't really know how I was born but I get the gist of it.

"Wait- you know about the Romans?" Sirius said even more confused then before, "You missed a lot." I said passively "but long story short we were introduced and aren't killing each other." Sirius looked at me "That's... good." He said.

"Is Harry a Legacy?" I asked thinking about how similar he looked to Percy, "Yeah, I think his great-great-great Grandfather is Poseidon." Sirius replied surprising me. That explains how he knew about the Greeks. "Well, I suggest you go back before someone get's suspicious. Also don't let Percy anywhere near the twins-" I shuddered "That would be complete and utter chaos." I said.

Sirius bobbed his head in agreement with me before disappearing with a pop.

Harry POV

"Harry! Harry! Wake up! Are you okay?" Hermione asked shaking me awake, "Yeah, I just have a bit of a headache." I said rubbing my temples. The wooden floors in the Weasley's kitchen was getting more uncomfortable by the second and Hermione, being Hermione, saw this "Do you remember what happened?" Hermione asked helping stand up so I could sit on a chair.

"Yeah, Perseus has Annabeth under a love spell. He made her punch me!" I growled, Hermione nodded in agreement. "If you're okay, I should go research spells and love potions. Or he could have her under the Imperious curse." Hermione muttered, "Yes, I'm fine. Go help Annabeth." I said. That was all I had to say and Hermione was off.

The door opened and Sirius yelled "I'm back!" Indicating that he had dropped off Annabeth, he looked scared- no concerned. Probably concerned for Annabeth's wellbeing. I don't know what love spell the Death Eater has her under but you can bet that I'm going to save her. I just need to figure out how to reverse it. Hermione will be able to figure it out on her own, being the brilliant witch she is. But if she can't I'm sure Professor Slughorn would be more than willing to help me.

"Excuse me Mrs. Weasley, where is Perseus?" I asked Molly, "I believe he went upstairs dear, he should be getting settled in Fred and George's room." Fred and George's room? Probably chose them because they are the weakest in the family. Well, the Death Eater is in for a surprise when the twins pull out their pranks.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ginny and Sirius pale considerably, "No." They said at the same time before rushing upstairs. Fred and George may not be the strongest people but I'm sure they can handle the Death Eater. I guess it is smart to make sure they are okay though, they've been awfully quiet.

I quickly caught up to my godfather and ex-girlfriend, I'll have you know that I'm the one who broke up with Ginny. Okay I didn't, it was a mutual agreement... Okay fine. Ginny broke up with me, and I can't figure out why!

"I'm guessing Annabeth warned you too." Sirius said to Ginny, breaking me out of my thoughts. I don't need her anyway. Sure she's smart and all, but Hermione is smarter. "Yeah, first conversation I had with Annabeth." Ginny replied, picking up her pace. Wait. Annabeth, warned Ginny and Sirius about how dangerous Perseus can be. I knew it! Perseus is making Annabeth pretend to like him.

I sped in front of Ginny. I'm going to be the one to confront him, and when I tell Annabeth what I did for her she will love me for sure. Suddenly I was on my knee's, I noticed Ginny and Sirius had nearly fallen over as well. Ginny groaned "They cast some sort of charm to make us stick here." She said, They? Perseus must have found a way to get the escaped Death Eaters into the Burrow!

A powder was sprayed onto us and I help my breath for as long as I could but eventually I had to breath. 1 breath. 2 breaths. 3 breaths. I don't feel any different, I must have built a tolerance for this while I was being held in captivity at the Malfoy manor.

"Ha, this poison doesn't affect me!" I said trying to lunge at Perseus, but my knees were still glued to the floor and I fell on my face. I placed my hands on the floor to push myself up and got my hands glued to the floor as well. 

"Is he usually this..." Perseus trialed off watching me struggle to get off the floor, only making myself more and more stuck, "Stupid, idiotic, brainless, dumb, imbecilic?" Ginny listed. "Yeah, pretty much." Perseus replied. "Why are you just talking with him? We have proof that he tried to poison us!" I yelled, or at least I tried to, it was rather hard with my mouth glued to the floor.

"It's called a prank, Harry." Perseus said rubbing his temples, really? I was annoying him? I am the savior of the wizarding world, Perseus is nothing but a pesky annoyance. "Hello, are you alright?" said one of the twins after apparating next to Perseus, "You're looking a little blue." said the other twin.

My eye's darted over to my hand that I noticed had been tinted blue, "TURN ME BACK THIS ISNTANT!" Ginny yelled having realized the same thing. "Or what?" the twins asked in sync, Ginny paused for a moment "Or I'll call Annabeth." she said. No! Ginny can't get Annabeth over here! My poor Annabeth has already been tortured enough by Perseus. 

"Where is the antidote?" Percy said in a panicky voice, I heard him rifle through some things. "Aha! Found it." he tossed something over me and Ginny caught it, "Thank you." She said in a tone that I knew all to well. "Ginny! Don't drink it! Or eat it!" I tried to say, but now my tongue was glued to the floor. 

How am I going to get out of this?

Percy POV

I really don't know how to explain Harry, but I think he is more stupid than I am. Everyone watched Harry struggle on the floor, not one person willing to help him. The scene before me was absolutely hilarious, Harry had his feet, knees, arms, hands, and face stuck to the floor leaving his butt sticking strait up in the air. 

Remembering Ginny's threat, I tossed her the antidote, praying to every god out there that she wouldn't call Annabeth. If Ginny did, there would be hell to pay... by me. 

"Thank you." Ginny said with the same devilish grin that I see in the Stolls when they have an idea.

" 'ihn -ee, 'on't 'rink it, o' eet it." Harry said attempting to speak again, you'd think that he'd have learned from last time. Ginny drank the antidote before passing it to Sirius and George unstuck them both from the floor. 

Fred pulled out another antidote for Harry, but Ginny stopped him. "Just leave him there a little longer, please." Ginny said with a sigh, "I can't stand his screeching."

No one  needed to be told twice, we all went back to what we were doing and ignored Harry with his face stuck to the floor.

There you go @Jadee2010

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