Off to Gods Knows Where

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Percy POV
    Annabeth bowed her head respectively and said "Lady Hecate", I just stared at her. She's not gonna kill me, or Annabeth unless she wants to start a war against most demigods and Gods. So I settled for "Sup".

    "Really Percy? You need to be more respectful." Annabeth chastised, "If you will please ignore him, what is it you have visited us for my Lady." Annabeth continued. "Finally! Someone with proper manners." Hecate said. "Okaaaaay... you still didn't tell us why your here." I said. Hecate frowned.

    "I came here today because my people are in need of protection, the monsters recently found my blessed people and because it is becoming increasingly harder for them to find demigods they started to target witches and wizards instead." Hecate continued.

"So..." I said, I could see Annabeth mentally facepalm "Hecate wants you to go to the school and take care of the kids and adults." she said. "They have magic, why can't they protect themselves?" I said, Annabeth let out an exasperated sigh. "The older ones might but you will need to protect the younger kids." said Annabeth. "Oooooh. I will go, but it's not entirely my fault if the school gets blown up." I said.

"Just go." Said Hecate before disappearing to gods knows where, does that still make sense when talking about a god? Wait, when will waving stick people unfreeze?

I got my answer when Dumb-door opened his mouth, "I believe miss..." He trailed off. What were we talking about before the intrusion of Hecate again. "Chase." Annabeth said without skipping a beat, "Yes, I believe miss Chase is correct it would be extremely beneficial for you to come to Hogwarts." Dumbly continued.

"Nah. I'm good." I said, "You could have unlimited power." Dumb-old-door tried again. "Nah." I said again, Annabeth elbowed me. "Think of all the things you could accomplish using magic! You could make dinner and complete all you chores with a simple wave of your wand." Annabeth said. "Nope." I said stubbornly.

Annabeth glared at me and I shivered, "Yup, okay, I'm going, when do we leave." Annabeth nodded obviously satisfied with my response.

"Now." Dumbdoor said, "Okay, vámonos amigos." I replied while skipping toward the door. Annabeth sighed, "What?" I said "You forgot something, actually a lot of things." She said. "Oh yeah!" I ran back and planted a kiss on her cheek, Annabeth smiled "That's sweet but still I meant your clothes, money and Mom, Seaweed brain." She said with a laugh.

Harry POV
"Come on, I will help you pack." Said my sweet, sweet Annabeth. Unfortunately that sentence was not directed toward me, she was talking to that evil Death Eater. I glared at his back as he went to his room with Annabeth, how can she like the grandson of a mass murderer? Wait. She doesn't, he has her under a love spell. Jackson has my Annabeth under a love spell. Don't worry Annabeth, I will find a way to save you.

    Geez. That girl is scary, I glanced in Harrys direction and he was staring longingly at Annabeth. Good luck mate. Have you seen her glare?

Hermione POV
    I smiled, Ron wasn't swayed by this girl at all. He wasn't even looking at her. Ron was looking at Harry with a look that clearly said 'Good luck' but Harry won't need it, he is perfect in every way. Harry will be with Annabeth in no time.

Annabeth POV
    I don't like that girl, she seems like the type who will figure out our secret in no time. I hope that she is too focused on hating Percy to notice anything strange going on. That Harry boy, ew. Doesn't he understand what 'I have a boyfriend means?' He is still staring at me like that and it is really annoying.

Percy POV
    I ran out of my room with Annabeth on my heels (Not literally that would be weird) "Okay, I'm done. Now, lets try this again vámonos amigos." I said.

   Annabeth sighed, "Percy what about your Mom." "I'll leave a note." I said. "Thats all? Just leave a note and your Mom is good with that?" Ron said, "I go missing a lot so I think that a note this time would be appreciated." I replied. "Blimey mate, my Mum would kill me if I left without a note even if it was a kidnapping." Ron said with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah, my Mom is a really chill person." I said, Annabeth snorted "Understatement of the century." She said.

"Now Percy if you will grab onto miss Granger, Remus or Myself it would be appreciated." Dumbledore paused "I suppose miss Chase could come too. If you like." Dumb-door said as an afterthought. "If I could go with him that would be very much appreciated Professor Dumbledore." Annabeth said.

"How did you know he is a Professor! And about us?" Hermione yelled taking her wand out. Huh, how did Annabeth know. "My cousin Magnus was asked to go to Ilvermorny." Annabeth said, "Really, do you think you could ask him here to verify that? Sorry for the inconvenience we just need to be extra careful." Remus said kindly.

    "I'm sure he would if he could but-" "Excuses, Excuses all you have are meaningless excuses." Hermione interrupted, "What I was going to say is that he passed away last month." Annabeth paused to glare at Hermione who suddenly found the floor extremely interesting "But I'm sure you can contact the American Ministry of Magic." She finished. "I'm sorry for your loss, and contacting the ministry won't be necessary." Remus replied.

    "Now, too wherever we are going!" I said making Annabeth chuckle.

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