The Hounds of Hell (along with some other stuff)

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Percy POV

No one  needed to be told twice, we all went back to what we were doing and ignored Harry with his face stuck to the floor.


"HARRY! Are you alright!?!" Hermione screamed, I spoke too soon- I mean thought too soon. Hermione's footsteps could be heard throughout the entire house as she stormed down the hallway. I heard Harry's muffled talking but his face was still stuck to the floor so...

Fred and George laughed at Harry's attempt to talk but I refused to let myself laugh, I don't need to give Hermione a reason to hate me. She has been alright so far.

"nihil viscosi!" Hermione yelled, I heard Harry breath a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Mione." Harry said, "No problem, but you really need to stop getting into these situations." Hermione said with a sigh.

I heard the two walk further down the hall and into Harry and Ron's shared room. "How was your search for... you know?" Harry said rather loudly. I looked to Fred and George with a raised eyebrow. (So that's how you do it!)

"The walls are thin." Fred said with a shrug.

"Not to mention there is a whole in it too." George finished gesturing to the whole I could fit my fist in.

"Can they hear us?" I asked. How do Fred and George manage to plan all their pranks with a whole in the wall?

"No. We put a silencing charm on our room years ago." George said picking up his wand and whispering a charm on a rubber ball.

"We are smarter then most give us credit for." Fred finished with a frown. George tossed him a the ball and Fred bounced it on the floor. It was kind of creepy how it didn't make any sound.

" 'Course you're smart." I said, Fred and George rolled their eyes in sync. "How else would you be able to run a business." I stated, lying down on my bed.

"You know Percy-"

"You're the first person to bring that up."

"It's true." I said, with a smile.

Fred and George looked at each other and seemed to be having a mental conversation.

"Come by our store some time."

"You got 50 galleons on us."

Galleons? "What's a galleon?" I asked.

"Money." Fred and George said in sync.

"No, it's fine." I said, I don't deserve it, and I definitely didn't earn it.

"Nope. You got 50 galleons on us." George said with finality I couldn't argue with.

"Fine, I guess." I said, I lay down on the bed.

"I thought I told you to leave him alone." I heard Ron grumble on the other side of the wall.

"But did you see his reaction to being a wizard! He should have been much more surprised." Hermione argued.

"It might have been shock." Ron said in my defense.

"And he tried to kill me just now." Harry hissed.

"That was a prank." Ron said, I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

I laughed out loud, "How do you guys live like this?" I asked shaking my head.

"You get used to it." The Fred said with a shrug.

Rewrite:Percy Jackson into the Wizarding world | ON HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now