Chapter 10

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(A/N if Harry says tells or says he's really signing it I just don't want to keep saying he signing when we all know he's mute and signing is his only form of communication) Thats all :)

Harrys POV

   Last night was amazing, they were amazing. Having told Mom and Gemma all the details from last nights date I couldn't help but keep an ever growing smile on my face. "Well Haz, I think you've got yourself a couple of keepers." Gemma says as she hands me my dance bag, earning a kiss and hug from both of them I make my way towards school. When I get there my classes are filled with people running around getting ready for the competition and others helping those who are in the competition get ready. "Hey you!" Lottie says as she jumps on my back making me jump about a foot. "Sorry" she says looking apologetic, she forgets sometime about just how easily I can scare. <its okay, I need to get better at it. No need to be sorry.> I tell her with a warm smile. she nods in understanding and we make our way to our teacher who hands us our costumes . Packing them in our dance bag we head for the bus.

  It takes a good hour to get to the competition, the entire time I just stared out the window and reminisced about my amazing night. "So the boys came over last night after you called." Lottie says giving me a nudge in order to gain my attention, whipping my head around so fast you would think I got whiplash. <They did?> I ask excitement spilling from my expression, getting a nod from her in response she continued "They talked about how hot, amazing, and sweet you were completely gushing over you for about two hours. Even talked about how they cant wait to ask you on another one." she says with a smirk. I start to do a mental happy dance with knowing that they feel the same. "Who knows maybe they'll even ask you today, I mean they are coming to the competition." she says, <They are?> I questioned completely forgotten that they asked if they could come to cheer me on. She nods and the rest of the ride was spent in a comfortable silence, only being occasionally broken by one of us asking the other a question. 

  When we arrive we head to the back and set up our tables. Me and Lottie of course choose the table thats connected so we can share makeup and talk through our routines. "Are you as excited as I am right now." Lottie asks bouncing around in her seat as she applies her blush. I give her a nod and returned my focus back to my hair making sure not a strand is left loose. "Well that didn't seem very convincing." she states turning her body towards me, I give her a shrug and spray my hair. "Harry, what's wrong? You were so excited when we got on the bus but ever since we got here you haven't said a word." Lottie says as her eyes roam my face looking for any emotion. <Im nervous lots, what if they don't like it? What if I make a fool of myself? What if...what if he shows up> I ramble silently working myself into a panic attack at the mere thought of him. "Harry, he's not going to show. He wouldn't dare, do you hear me? Secondly, your going to win first place I can feel it. Your choreography is amazing they would be fools not to place you first. Plus your Harry Styles theres no such thing as you making a fool of yourself. Okay?" Lottie says giving me a hug immediately calming my frantic nerves, I nod into her shoulder and we pull apart. "Good! Now go change I want to see your costume." she says shooing me off towards the dressing rooms. I grab my costume and make my way into one of the rooms. "OH MY GOSH! HARRY YOU LOOK HOT!" Lottie says running over to me as I exit the room, looking down at my exposed feet blushing I give a thanks. 


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