Chapter 16

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Zayns POV

   I cant believe our one year anniversary with our Hazza is coming up this Friday. Our baby is the strongest, bravest, and most adorable person we've ever met... I cant believe we've been able to call him ours for a year. He's crushing it as Giselle as they've just started their performances, all the reviews have been nothing but positive towards him just as the should be. He's also improved so much thanks to his new therapist Leigh-Anne, he goes by himself and we wait in the waiting room as this session is private and we respect that.  Leigh-Anne is a very smart young lady and she's fluent in sign language but thats all we know about her as we've never met.

   While Harry is away at his rehearsals because not only is he the prima ballerina in Giselle but he's also the prima ballerina named Aurora in their next production which is Sleeping Beauty. He never ceases to amaze us as he wether it be when he dances on stage or when he dances about in our shared apartment while cooking or tiding up. Any who, while he's away rehearsing we are doing the same thing.

   Nick reserved us a room at his mothers dance school where Phoebe, Daisy, Doris, and Ernest still attend for us to practice our surprise. Lottie was helping us as well as only Harry was need today, she was our choreographer. Yes our surprise is a dance, we thought it would be fun to have a small talent show with Lou's younger siblings. Phoebe and Daisy are doing a duet called twisted two while Doris and Ernest are doing a duet called Swingset. They may be younger but they are way better at this than we are.

   Luckily for us Harry will look past our horrific dance moves and will be touched that we did this for him. Our Hazza has the kindest soul and unlike others he'd never make fun of our two left feet... Lottie on the other hand cant get enough. "Lou right foot not your left! Niall one and two then step not one two step! Liam your facing the wrong way! Zayn I need your fingers spread apart when your arms shoot out or else it'll look strange!" Lottie yells as she plays our song from the top once again. We decided to back to Everybody by Backstreet Boys as that was the first song we showed Harry when he told us he'd never heard of one of the greatest boy bands of all time.

   Just before Lottie could restart the song for the millionth time today Doris, Ernest, Daisy, Phoebe, and Nick come in. "How's rehearsal with Lottie?" Daisy asks as she and the other kids set their dance bags in the corner of the room. "Awful!" Louis whines as he receives a death glare from Lottie at the statement. "Awe babe, stopping giving Louis the stink eye he cant help that he has a big mouth." Nick says placing a quick kiss to Lotties temple. "Gasp! Nicholas Grimshaw that is a very rude thing to say! Apologies to poor Louis because you hurt his feelings." Niall says as he hugs Louis and making Louis place his head on his shoulder. Going with Niall tease Louis starts to make some fake crying noises as he's always dramatic when it comes to picking on people. "I'm sorry Louis..." Nick grumbles as he along with Lottie are unamused by their joke.

   Annoyed by their loss of attention Doris and Ernest run over and cling onto my legs. "ZAYN! Wanna sees our dancey?" Doris asks as she tilts her head to the side, Ernest mimics his twin moving his head to the side as well. Taking it everything with in me not to coo at them as they hate it when we do so, I simply nod making their eyes light up. "Attentions Evewyone! Clear the floor me and Ernie are dancin'" Doris announces to everyone in the room. "Alright you two ready? Daisy Phoebe you two are on deck! Then back to you boys rehearsing." Lotties directs before clapping her hands to signal us to do as she said. Practice maybe be grueling but practice makes perfect and thats just what Harry deserves...


Phoebes and Daisy's dance

Doris and Ernest's dance

Hello World,

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The Quiet Little Dancer (Zianourry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora