Chapter 26

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Nialls POV

   Thankfully the doctors threat as Harry likes to put it has really calmed Harry's overexertion down a lot. With him resting and us working on keeping the house clean it's been a nice couple of weeks. Which means Harrys next appointment is today and I'm sure Doctor Johnson will be happy with the relaxation Harry's been taking advantage of. 'Need any help love' I ask entering our room seeing Harry standing shirtless in front of the mirror. Rubbing his large bump smiling lightly every time the babies moved causing his tummy to jiggle. He must be in his own little world having not heard me, I walk over and gentle wrap my arms around his waist. He leaned into me after he jumped a little in surprise smiling widely. <Did you need something honey?> he asked turning around in my hold completely oblivious to the question I asked earlier. I let out a little chuckle before repeating the question again of course getting a yes as he's no longer able to see his feet and needs his shoe laces to be tied. With him now dressed I guide him down the stairs to where the others were waiting for us. Each of them give him a complement before we make our way to the car and to his appointment.

   "Hello Harry, hello boys! Good to see you boys again on a scheduled appointment and not a run in." Doctor Johnson joked as he entered the exam room getting an eye roll from Harry as he giggled at the joke. "How's he been boys? Not on his feet as much right?" he asked as he pulled the little chair over towards the bed. <I can speak for myself!> Harry says getting a pointed look from Doctor Johnson. "I know that Harry but sometimes its not always the truth." he smirks <Touché> Harry says giving him a smirk in return. "He's been doing great and is no longer overexerting himself." Zayn says getting a smile out of Doctor Johnson happy with the revelation. "Just what I wanted to hear! Now shall we take a look at the little ones?" he didnt have to ask Harry twice as he snatched the wand from the machine and pressed it on his extended belly getting a hardy laugh from Doctor Johnson.

   We were on our way home after the appointment when suddenly Harrys phone starts going off. Placing the call on speaker we notice that its Anne calling. "Harry? Boys? Are you there?" she asked sounding a bit frantic. "We're all here Anne, is everything alright?" Liam asked from the back as me and Harry were in the front seats me being the driver of course. "Um yes.... kinda of.... not really... I need some help with the bakery Gemmas as sick as a dog and with how popular the shop is I can't do it on my own. Could you five maybe pop down for a bit? At least until the crowds die down." she practically begged, Harry was vigorously nodding his head signing us threats if we told her no. 'Of course Anne, we'll be there in five minutes.' I tell her getting a kiss from Harry as a thank you. "You boys are life savers! I'll see you then, love you!" with that she hangs up probably having to get back to the customers. We speed our way there with us worried about how much stress this will put on Harry.

   Pulling up to the bakery the line had to be at least two miles long running out of the door. I drop Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry off at the door and go park the car before joining them in the popular bakery. "Niall could you work register two? Hazza will help if your confused on what button to press." Anne says pushing me behind the counter and next to Harry who sat on a very nice stool taking all the pressure from the babies off his back and feet. He handed me a hat with the logo of the bakery on it and a white apron. Taking the uniform I mentally coo at his uniform. He wore a head band with the logo on it as his hair was tied up in a mess bun and wore an apron that said I've got three buns in the oven. I place on my uniform quickly before helping my first ever customer.

   By six thankfully the crowd died down leaving only a few people to peruse the sweets. We rang up the last customers before Louis turned over the open sign making us closed. "Hazza how did you do this everyday all day? I'm exhausted after only doing this for three hours." Louis complained as he slumped over to the counter resting his head on it. Harry carted his fingers through Louis' hair simply shrugging in order to answer his question. Liam and Zayn soon entered from the back looking just as exhausted as Lou did. What did Anne have them do to make the so tired? Harry asked my question only for them to give the most lame explanation. "We were getting trays out from the oven and setting them on the cooling racks." Zayn says plopping on the counter as he lays back on me utterly exhausted. Harry bursted into laughter,  laughing so hard he started to cry from their lame confession. "Thank you boys so so much. I don't know what I would have done without you. You are going to definitely have to help me out again." Anne says as she wipes the powered off her hands entering from the kitchen. <Of course mom, we would love to.> Harry tells her getting up and giving her a hug before telling that we should make our leave blaming the babies when in reality it was the three big babies that needed to get home not the little ones.

   The three were passed out in the back by the time we got home. With me nor Harry being able to carry them we wake them up and I take them up stairs tucking them into bed before I return back to Harry. <Thank you for that, I would've tucked them in but the more my tummy grows the harder it is for me to go up and down those stairs.> he says munching on some strawberries as he lounged on the couch. I move him ever so slightly just to make enough room for us to cuddle with me being the big spoon and him the little. 'Of course love.' I said pecking his head while my hand rested on his moving bump. <Wanna watch a movie?>  

 We watched love actually.... again... for the twentieth time this month.

Hello World,

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The Quiet Little Dancer (Zianourry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora