Chapter 28

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Zayn's POV

   Its been a couple of days since the venting and Harry's been so quite. Only speaking when he's spoken too or unless its an emergency like <get outta the way I'm gonna pee>. Its truly heartbreaking to know that were the cause of this rift because we couldn't keep our big mouths shut. Not only that but Anne and Gemma are still terribly upset with us by the fact that we did the one thing we swore we would never do, hurt Harry. I don't blame them for being upset, hell if I were in Anne or Gemmas position I would probably kill the bastard that did that to someone I love. Instead we're the bastards and we have no clue how to fix it considering no matter how many times we apologies it doesn't fix anything.

   "He's left for the bakery." Niall says handing over a note with Harrys writing on it. Sighing he plops down on the couch next to me as guilt consumes us. "He shouldn't be working, he's about to pop!" Liam says carrying in a cup of coffee taking his seat next to Louis. 'Didn't say he was working or not just said he's at the bakery, wanting to be away from us.' I somberly state as I rest my head on Nialls shoulder. "Doesn't matter, he still shouldn't be there. I get he wants space from us but he can easily do that in the house where he can rest." Louis say getting up as well as Liam, the two completely agreeing that Harry needs to stay home. "So you guys want to go and make him come home? Thats not going to go well." Niall asks as the two of us think this is the most idiotic plan they've ever come up with. 

   If Harry wants to spend time away from us and with Anne and Gemma then we should definitely not take him away. We don't need him to be more upset with us than he already is. I mean for goodness sake he won't let us help him anymore, even when he desperately needs it because he views himself as a burden now. 'This is a bad idea guys...' I try to reason before getting cut off. "Well do you have a better one because if so I would love to hear it!" Lou says frustratedly, I don't take any offense to it as I know he's just upset with himself like we all are. I shake my head "Well then lets try to bring our Harry back home." Liam sighs, making us all head out to the car to drive towards the bakery.

  "Thank you for coming!" I hear Gemma say cheerfully as we walk into the bakery. That was the only costumer in the shop as rush hour was no where near. She kept her smile on until the lady left immediately dropping it into an unamused look. "Yes?" she asks cocking her hip to the side totally annoyed by our presence which I still don't blame her for. 'Harry said he was working today, we were wondering if we could see him?' I ask meekly not wanting to anger her further, her annoyed gaze turned confused looking at me like I've grown another head. "Harry isn't here..." she trails off as fear sets its course in running through our veins. 

   "He what?" Louis asked shocked as the rest of us our "Haven't seen him all day, you boys sure he said he was coming here?" she asked coming around from behind the counter standing next to us. We nod our heads even showing her the note he left for us. She skims it over before sighing and calling Anne out from the back. "Boys? What are you four doing here?" Anne asked concerned as Harry wasn't with us. Gemma just hands the note over to Anne not saying a thing. A look of realization took over Annes features as she let out a sigh the same as Gemmas. "I think I know where he is. Gemma close up shop, we're closing for the rest of the day." Anne instructs as she walks back into the kitchen returning with hers and Gemmas stuff. They lock up shop and we follow them hoping they know where our Harry is.

  "Okay Harry, tell me how your week has gone, without your hands." we hear an unfamiliar voice says, an unknown woman and Harry sit together on a bench under a willow tree in the park we were brought to. The women had a lovely caramel skin tone with dark brown eyes and dark brown almost black head of tight curls. She held a caring smile as she waited for Harry to speak, he takes a few deep breathes before stuttering out "I-i-it's been h-hard, Leigh-Anne." his voice... he spoke using his voice, never since that day did we ever picture we'd get to hear his voice but now that we have I never want the noise to end or fade.

   His was a bit horse but deep and smooth like honey as he spoke slowly with a stutter. The four of us stood still shocked as that was the first time since that day we rescued him. Anne and Gemma continued to walk completely unfazed by the fact that he spoke. The turned around to see us stuck in place starring at him with our mouths having open. Their confusion was wiped clean as the light bulb went off in their head, they thought we knew he was trying to speak again. "I'm sorry to hear that Harry, but I'm most certainly positive your fiancés meant nothing by those words." Leigh-Anne said as Harry told her all about our mistake, mostly with his hands unless she asked him how different things made him feel. He would use verbal answers for those but wouldn't elaborate verbally instead went back to his hands. 

   "...I k-know." he says barely above a whisper looking as if he was holding back tears. I couldn't stand behind the bushes and hear anymore of this, not when my baby is so upset. I walk out from behind the bushes with the rest doing the same as we walk towards the pair on the bench. Leigh-Anne spotted us first as her smile grew sympathetic while trying to discreetly have Harry look over towards us. He does, meeting our eyes with his tearful puffy red ones. Unable to help ourselves we engulf him in a hug and mutter about a thousand apologies as he sobbed in the middle. His sobs were loud which in a weird way provided some comfort as they had been silent for years, but still none of us liked to hear. Turning into sniffles a real smile finally graces his face as we cover his faces in kiss. Leigh-Anne stood up from the bench to move over towards Anne and Gemma trying to give us our space.

  'Baby what were you doing here?' I ask as I brushed my thumb over a dried tear track. A blush settled on his full cheeks as he looks down to his bump <I want to be able to talk to them.> he say his hand rubbing soothingly on his stretched sides. We coo'd at his explanation finding it adorable that his motivation is the babies. "How long have you been doing this?" Niall asked as he placed his hand on the bump to get multiple kicks from the babies. <Since I found out we were expecting.> he then continued to confess every thing about this, completely floored by his actions as none of us knew he was doing this. Leigh-Anne eventually stepped in introducing herself as Harry's therapist and it's great to finally put a face to a name as we already knew she's Harrys therapist.

   How could we not have known? Why didn't we know? Was he too embarrassed to tell us he was getting help to relearn how to speak? I push all of these buzzing thoughts outs of my head as she briefly explained what they've been doing and how Harry has been accomplishing all of his goals so far. Anne and Gemma keep Harry distracted while we talk to Leigh-Anne as we all know he hates being talked about as if he were a child unable to communicate. Thanking her we excuse ourselves from our brief conversation making sure to get her number and turn back toward Harry.  We just wrap him in a hug again completely unable to put into words how proud we are of him. He kisses each of our heads before wiggling out of the hug shocking us with his voice once again. 

  "I-I love y-you, all of y-you! Lets g-go home p-p-please, we've h-had a l-long day."

Hello World,           

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! YAY HARRYS TALKING! Were you guys expecting him to talk or just have him stay mute? I would love to hear your ideas for baby names, 2 boys 1 girl. Please feel free to vote, comment, follow me, read any of my other Z.H.C.MP stories or do all four!

The Quiet Little Dancer (Zianourry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz