Chapter 6

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Liams POV 

    As we wave good bye to Harry millions of thoughts buzz around in my head. Who's this Zach guy? When did they break up? Did Harry really just smile at us?! Why did they break up? I was brought out of my thought when I heard Lottie ask Phoebe if she could call her phone swearing she put hers in her bag this morning. Oh crap, we still have her phone! Oh God I hope its on silent! Just our luck when she rings it Louis' back pocket starts to blare out This Girl is on Fire by Jessica Mears Phoebes ring tone in Lotties phone. Lottie turns to Louis giving him a look and a hand waiting for the phone to be placed in. Louis begrudgingly hands over her phone. 

   "I can't believe you four stole my phone, contracted Harry pretending to be me just so you could have 'alone time' with him. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I specifically told you if you wanted to spark his interest give him a chance to warm up to you, not pretend your me and force him into an uncomfortable position." she yells giving us a hard glare but it starts to soften when she continues "I understand you want to get to know him and date him but he's sensitive. Its not my place to tell you about his past but let me just say that until recently he didn't believe he deserved to be loved." Lottie finishes with a sad look sketched upon her face. 

   "Recently?" Zayn inquires "Yeah said he may be willing to believe he can have love due to a group of four boys." Lottie says with a knowing smile "WHO ARE THEY! IM GONNA BEAT THEIR ASSES." Louis shouts Lottie rolls her eyes at her idiotic brother, simply stating "you four." in a bored tone "THIS IS AMAZING!" Niall cheers. "But boys tread lightly, be gentle, and be kind. Please don't scare him he's my best friend, and I'm just starting to get him back after 3 years in his relationship, n' 2 coping from it." Lottie tells us with a pleading expression. "Don't worry we will. Now come on boy's we're off to the bakery." I say giving Lottie a hug "What about the car?" "Take it we can walk, its just the next street over right?" Phoebe gives us a nod while Daisy hold two thumbs up as I toss Lottie the keys. Getting "go get 'em" along with other versions of good luck and worried looks from both Lottie and Nick we make our way to the bakery.

    When we enter the bakery no one was out front but we heard a voice coming from the back that was getting gradually louder. It was Gemma, she was singing Prima Dona from Phantom of the Opera, while dancing around with Harry. When she finished Gemma bowed and Harry curtsied, only then did he notice us. His face went as red as a strawberry and quickly went to Gemma side trying to hide. "That was very entertaining but why were you dancing in the first place?" Niall asked, "Well my little brother here is the primer danseur in his ballet class and is competing in a competition next weekend and I just know he's gonna bring home first place!" she says placing a kiss on his cheek, while he has a proud smile on his face. 

   "oh cool" Louis said in an unimpressed tone, not in a rude way but in a I don't understand the big point way. "Cool?" Gemma says starting to get angry, <gems please just drop it.>  Harry signed to her as his smile drops into a frown. Never have I been so glad I had to take a language in school and I choose to study sign language, thank you past self! "No way am I going to just drop the fact that my little brother was announced primer danseur which means your the main role in the show out of hundreds of people AND on top of that you were hand selected to choreograph and perform a solo and duet with out even auditioning for anything. Which is all amazing and all these boys right here can only say 'oh cool'(she mocks). When your talent is being recognized I like to share how amazing you are because now everyone can see what I already know." she says mostly to us but directed her last line at Harry. <I know its just not interested and thats okay too.> Harry tries to reason with her, he then looks back over to us giving a faint hint of a smiled asks <what can I get you?>, before Gemma could I happily translated it to my boyfriends shocking the both of them and impressing Harry a bit.

   "Whatever you recommend I'm sure we'll love." Zayn tell him, "sit and he'll bring it out to you" Gemma tells us harshly directing the tone more at Louis then the rest of us. We do as she says and make our way to a booth. "Great going Louis, you just dismissed something he's obviously worked hard for and you got us on Gemmas bad side." Niall says to him "I didn't mean to I had no clue about what all that stuff actually meant." "Then next time don't comment." we grow quite and wait for Harry to return. He comes out with a tray of four items one slice of cake, one cupcake, a cookie and a cannoli. Each had a little name tag at the bottom saying what each items flavor was. He sets it down on the table and makes his way to go back into the back. "Wait Harry" Louis calls he stops and turns around "I just wanted to apologize for my tone earlier to be honest I'm not good with the dance lingo so I had no clue what that meant. But know that I do I can honestly say that it is truly amazing but doesn't surprise me at all because every time I've seen you dance its like you make the world stop. As if nothing else mattered besides seeing you dance on that stage. Im so excited for you and I hope you wouldn't mind if we came to cheer you on." Louis says giving Harry a loving smile, <I would like that> Harry signs with a small smile. Just by both mine and Harrys smiles the others could tell he said something positive so they were going to wait as to ask me what he said.

  "Would you also like to give us a shot, like go on a date with us?" Niall asks

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What will Harry say? Do you think Gemma over reacted or was she just being her protective self? Good thing Liam knows sign language or else this potential sate would be really awkward if they weren't able to communicate easily. Any ideas as to what their date setting would be? Feel free to comment, follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

I lost the link to the OG pic but when I find it I will insert here 

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