Chapter 3

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Harrys POV 

   'Oh god there here' is all I can think to myself as I see the four guys who cheered for me, along with the rest of the Tomlinson siblings. Well this isn't weird at all, I knew I should have stayed in the back because if it were just the siblings mom would have let them into the back to see me. I must look terrified because Gemma took the reigns "Hello boys my name is Gemma and this one here is my little brother Harry and this is our mom Anne welcome to our bakery!" one of the boys stepped forward and took control for them "Hello I'm Liam and these are my boyfriends Louis, Niall, and Zayn" he says pointing to himself and the other guys. I look over to see the way Daisy, Gemma and Phoebe are looking at each other with cheeky smiles, Lottie just gave me an apologetic look as she could see just how frightened I was. This is bad, very bad, I cant... I won't let it happen to me again. I understand they're continuously flirting with me but they don't know they're flirting with someone whose severally damaged.

   Phoebe looks at the boys and tells them " Harry here makes all the bake goods by himself and if we let him know we're coming over ahead of time he'll make a batch of our favorite and moms favorite to take home." They smile at me and all say in unison "Really?" looking down I nod and watch as Doris runs to my legs followed by Ernie. "Haz do you got any of our favorites left?" they ask I give them a big smile that exposes my dimples unable to hide it as those two are my favorites, and hold up one finger as if saying 'one moment'. I go to the back and grab a small box to fit four cupcakes in it two chocolate with vanilla frosting and two strawberry with cream cheese frosting. I go back out and had them the box along with a small plate of double chunk chocolate brownies for Daisy, A red velvet cupcake for Phoebe, a dozen white chocolate chip cookies for Lottie, and finally a whole carrot cake for their mom. Once I get over to them I hand them each their bag or box and give Lottie the carrot cake. I turn myself to see all the boys staring at me gobslmaked as if I could read minds or something.

   I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as I stay under their amazed gaze, finally they each get an elbow to the side to snap them from the daze. I looked at Gemma for her to ask the question I never ask to any customer let alone four handsome men looking at me like I'm precious thing. No, no thoughts like that Harry they're probably just like him. "Now what can we get for you four?" Gemma asked the guys, they looked at each other before Zayn spoke up "We'll take four blueberry lemon cupcakes and his number" they all look at me when he says the last part. My breathe hitches and I run back into the back to grab the four cupcakes, so I can get these guys out of here! I feel as if I'm going to faint as I try to prevent the up coming anxiety attack I feel brewing within me. When I returned I saw Gemma giving them a slip of paper which I can only assume has my number on it to Louis. I ran over to go get it back but I'm stopped by Niall "Thanks for the treats" he says and all of them walk out. 


    After my shift ends and I'm locking up the store all I feel is fear. Why would they do this to me? They know of what my past relationship was like and now they are throwing me back into the fire when I'm no where near ready to go near it. I count to ten as I unlock my car, taking deep breaths like Leigh-Anne told me to when I feel this overwhelmed. I get in, take a few more seconds to count to ten a couple more time. Feeling relaxed enough to function I turn on my car and put on some P!NK to get my mind off of what just happened. I arrive home and storm into Gemmas room wanting to scream, <Gemmaaaaa what were you thinking> I sign.  "Harry this is exactly what you need, those boys seemed nice and seemed to take an interest in you." she says <well so did Zach but we all know what he was really like> I sign shakily loosing all confidence within myself just by thinking of him. Her once bright face turned into a mixture of anger and sadness as she took hold of my shaky hands. 

    "He won't hurt you again and I'll make sure no one will ever do that to you again." she pulls me into a hug while she says this into my hair. <I know Gemma b-but the-ere are so, so many guys out(hiccup)there w-ho can pretend to be an angel b-but are really are the d-d-evil> my hands shake out stumbling over words as I sob into her, trying to keep myself from going into a panic attack.  "What Zach did to you was wrong, no one should ever lay a hand on another or talk nasty to them all the time. Zach was a terrible, horrific person to date and I'm sorry no one n-notice how upset you were with that b-bastard..." she takes a breath to steady her self and continues "... But that doesn't mean you don't deserve love and happiness, he's gone." she tells me. "I believe those four boys are exactly what Doctor Gemma prescribed" she jokes while pulling me away from her and brushing a phew stray hairs from my face. <thanks Gem> I sign to her "anytime baby bro, anytime" whispers brushing a few tears that spilled onto my cheek. I left Gemmas room and had a new goal on my mind. Wave 'hi' to them the next time I see them. I cant let Zach win in controlling my life when he's no longer in it. 

With that thought it puts a smile on my face as my head hits the pillow.

Hello World,

What do you think so far? What do you guys think of Zach? Will he see Harry again and cause trouble for the boys? Let me know what I should do with him. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to comment, vote, follow me, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories or all four!

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