Chapter 8

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Zayns POV 

   Friday couldn't come fast enough! Even though we saw Harry everyday either when we picked up the girls or we went to the bakery and would wait for him to get there, none of those were us taking him out. Those were just moments we got to see him in his everyday beauty. We were getting all of our plans sorted out when suddenly we all got a text from Lottie.

   Meet me at my place now, its important.

   That was all we got, which immediately sending Louis straight into over protective big brother mode rushing us all out the door. We sped over to Lotties apartment complex, running up the five flights of stairs taking two at a time, we sprint to her door when we're on her level. Bursting through the door, that for some reason was left unlock we see Lottie sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands and a smile on her lips. "Lottie, whats the matter? Are you hurt? Is Nick hurt? Is Harry hurt?!" Louis rattles off only to get a kind smile from her. "Everyones fine Lou, I promise. Just want to make sure things stay that way." she says taking a sip from her mug and gestures for us to sit down. 

   "What do you mean?" Liam asks with a puzzled look, "Well.... Harry's been a bit of a nervous wreck all week. Only for me to find out that you four idiots are causing his stress! I told you to take it slow with him not scare him by asking him out. Tell me when you were at the bakery asking him out, who answered?" she says staring at us already knowing the answer but wanting us to confirm it. "Gemma" we all mutter out, "Thats what I thought! Now I'm not trying to necessarily discourage you four from going out with him... I'm merely giving you four boundaries that he is too scared to set." she says setting her tea down with a serious look on her face.  What does she mean by that? How come he won't set them himself?

   "Listen Lots, we aren't going to pressure him into doing it with us if he doesn't want to if thats what your thinking." Louis says as he rolls his eyes thinking he's about to get the 'respect sex boundaries' lecture from his little sister. "For starters I wasn't going to bring that up, but now that you have don't even put out testers it'll only make him even more uncomfortable. You four would be lucky if by the end of the night he lets you hold his hand, let alone hop in bed with him!" she seethes "Just follows my list and you'll be ready for your date with Harry...

 1 Don't force him to talk, he won't so theres no point in trying. The best piece of advice I can give is to go off of his gestures or learn how to sign.

 2 No touching him, HE WILL let you know if its okay to touch him.

 3 (this goes along with #1) don't talk about the not talking thing, makes him feel bad as if he were disappointing you.

 4 If he has a panic attack call me ASAP, I'll have my phone on me all night with the ringer on. You four won't be able to calm him down he'll need someone he can trust.

 5 Talk about things he's interested in, I feel like I don't need to explain further.

 6 Shower him in compliments, he needs all the praise he can get.


   ...He'll tell you about that dick if/when he wants to which may never happen and you four have to understand that its okay. It doesn't mean he doesn't trust you just that its hard to talk about. I believe that you four are exactly what Hazza needs, you just need to tread lightly. Okay?" She asks with hopeful eyes "Okay" we respond in unison. "Lottie can you at least tell us what he went through?" Niall asks, "I'm sorry Niall, but its not my story to tell." she says with a sad smile. She leads us to the door and we make our exist. 'What do you think that guy did to Harry?' I ask the others as we make our way down the flights. "Nothing good that much I can tell." Liam says, "We're nothing like that person and thats what we have to show Harry." Louis states confidently. We nod and walk silently all the way to our car. 

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