Chapter 15

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Short and sweet! 🥰
The water was hot, soothing, and the lavender fragrance released by the thick layer of bubbles in the tub relaxed her deeply.

With a sigh, Beyoncé sunk slightly deeper into the tub, the water rising to her chin, and closed her eyes.

Suddenly the brunette felt soft hands on her shoulders, fingers quickly flattening and slipping down lower on her chest to cup her firm breasts. A soft, feminine voice then whispered, "You are so beautiful."

Beyoncé's eyes shot open and she gasped, startled, before realizing the soft hands were real and those of her lover. "Don't," she whispered, placing her hands over Onika's and pushing them upwards, off her chest.

"I'm sorry," Onika said softly, her hands coming to rest on Beyoncé's shoulders.

"You can't just come in here, say you're sorry, and expect me to just let you touch me as if everything is okay, Onika."

"That's not what-"

"Yes, it is," Beyoncé replied softly as she pulled her knees to her chest and shifted her body around in the small space of the tub to face Onika. Long arms wrapped around bent knees. "Maybe not exactly, but you were hoping that you could just touch me and suddenly everything would go back to how it was before."

"Beyoncé," Onika started, standing up straight.

"You're married, Onika," Beyoncé replied, immediately feeling the hot tears burning her eyes. "You have kids. This is...jesus, Onika, this is a mess!"

"It's complicated, yes, but I wouldn't say this is a mess, Beyoncé," the doctor said calmly.

"But it is! I'm 19, Onika. You're 28. Your husband is coming back in not even two months." The tears were brimming. One blink and they would slip down the young brunette's face. "I'm sure this whole thing is probably a very exciting adventure for you, but it's're not..." She dropped her head, covering her face with her hands, and let the tears finally escape.

Onika could only stand there, waiting for Beyoncé to continue. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, fighting the urge to cry along with Beyoncé.

Beyoncé took a deep breath and slowly wiped her hands over her face. "I don't," she began before she cleared her throat softly. Dark brown eyes finally met hesitant hazel. "How can I feel this way about you and you not feel it, too?"

"You think I don't feel anything, Beyoncé?" Onika's voice broke. "Is that what you really think?"

"Tell me you feel the same way about me that I do about you then," Beyoncé pleaded. "Tell me!"

"I-I can't, Beyoncé!" the older woman stammered, her voice thick.

"Can't or won't?" Beyoncé replied. "Because you don't feel the same?"

Hands covered the doctor's face, her hair falling forward.

"You seduce me, you make me fall in love with you, you tell me to make love to you, and still you can't tell me you feel the same way, Onika?" Beyoncé nearly sobbed. "What kind of sick, fucked up game are you playing? Tell me!"

Brown eyes and a reddened, tear-stained face reappeared from behind Onika's hands. "I'm not trying to play any games, Beyoncé!" Onika hiccupped.

"Then why won't you say it? Why can't you tell me you're in love with me, too?" Tears were now streaming down Beyoncé's face and she brought her fist to her nose, wiping furiously as she sniffled.
Onika instantly closed her eyes, the pain written plainly on her face. Her bottom lip trembled as she fought the urge to continue crying.

The NannyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora