Chapter 5

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**WARNING: A little secks scene at the end**
"Mama?" Beyoncé heard Anyla's voice floating softly from her bedroom.

The young brunette was reading in her room, propped up on her bed while the bedroom door was opened just enough for the voices to float through.

"Yes, my little ladybug?"

"Why didn't da jamma monster come tonight?"

Quietly Beyoncé slid out of her bed and tiptoed over to behind her bedroom door, curious to hear more of this conversation.

"Well the pajama monster did come. You have on your pajamas, don't you?"

"Yeah, but when B puts us to bed, da jamma monster growls and tickles us until we hafta put on jammas," Anyla explained. "I like da jamma monster!"

"Well I guess the pajama monster will have to come when I put you to bed, hmm?"

Beyoncé smiled to herself as she heard Anyla's next words.

"Pwetty pease? That would be wondaful!"

"Okay, darling," Beyoncé heard Onika reply. "Now it's time to sleep."

"Night night, Mama. Don't let the bedbugs bite, k?"

"Bed bugs?" Onika's voice was clearly alarmed and Beyoncé stifled a laugh.

"That's what Bey says before bed every night. She says it's a' spression."

"An expression?"

"Yeah, like people say. I guess it's kinda funny, 'cept I don't like bugs. MJ does 'cause he's a boy. I told B and she told me I could like bugs too, but I think bugs are yucky."

"It's true, honey. You could like bugs if you wanted."

"No, thank you. I like puppies."

Onika's laughter rang out loudly. It made Beyoncé's stomach flutter and her heart race.

"Maybe when you're old enough, we'll get a puppy. Would you like that?"

The eavesdropping brunette didn't hear the little girl say anything, so she could only assume that Anyla had nodded her head enthusiastically.

"Okay, one day, then. Now it really is time to sleep, ladybug."

"Night, Mama."

Beyoncé stepped as quietly away from her door as possible and slipped back into bed, wheels turning quickly in her head.

About 45 minutes after Onika put the children to bed, Beyoncé stood outside the doctor's bedroom door, trying to gather the courage to knock.

On the other side, Onika said just loudly enough for Beyoncé to hear, "I can see your shadow underneath the door, Beyoncé."

The younger woman sighed and slowly turned the bedroom doorknob, opening the door. "Are you busy?" she asked, sticking her head in tentatively.

"Just reading," the older woman replied, propped up on the left side of her king size bed against the headboard. Placing a bookmark between the pages and then closing the book, she took off her reading glasses and set them gently on the nightstand. "Would you like to talk?"

Beyoncé shrugged, briefly turning to close the bedroom door behind her, before slowly turning to face Onika again. She clasped her hands awkwardly in front of her, unsure what to do or say.

"Come here," Onika instructed quietly.

As Beyoncé moved closer, the older woman threw the covers back on the bed and slipped out of it to stand next to it. She was wearing a light purple silk negligee. Nothing too revealing, but still feminine and sexy.

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