Chapter 7

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Onika had already left for the hospital by the time Beyoncé woke up at 7:30 the next morning.

After leaving Onika's bedroom the night before, Beyoncé had quietly gone back to her own, locked the door, and stripped off her clothes to take a hot shower. She was stressed and upset by the conversation that she and Onika had just had. Only moments into her shower, though, she burst into tears, slumping against the cold tiles and sliding to the floor, sobbing with her knees against her chest.

Despite it only having been a month knowing the older woman, Beyoncé knew that she was already falling for the beautiful, sophisticated surgeon. She'd crossed having an affair off her list of options for how to deal with her feelings, and yet when the older woman had confronted her directly, she'd folded faster than a poker player with no money left to bet despite a decent hand.

But good god, it had been good. So good. Being pressed up against Onika's toned, naked body had felt incredible, certainly better than the sex she'd had with either previous boyfriend. The sounds she'd caused to fall from the older woman's lips were maddening, and Beyoncé wasn't sure she'd ever heard anything sexier in her life. Sex with Onika had felt right, not like she was having an affair with a married woman.

Nothing Onika had told her so far led Beyoncé to believe her husband was a bad man. Onika had only said that he hadn't touched her since before Anyla was born, and the thought of him knowing and having what he had, yet not wanting it made Beyoncé furious. Onika was brilliant, beautiful, a good cook, a wonderful mother, a loving, caring human being. And she was sexy, especially when she had that lustful look in her eyes. How could he just throw that all away?

There had to be something underneath the surface of Onika's relationship with her husband that she was keeping from Beyoncé. Something darker, or at the very least, unsavory, Otherwise, why would Onika be okay with seducing her? Was it simply because Onika craved affection and intimacy from another person? Was it the excitement of having a secret affair? Was it Beyoncé herself? What did she, a 19, almost 20 year old woman in junior college, planning to transfer to a four-year college to finish a bachelor's degree, have to offer a wealthy, beautiful, genius like Doctor Onika Maraj?

All of these thoughts had come rushing to her at once, causing a complete meltdown in the middle of her shower. They haunted her, teased her, drove her insane.

When the younger brunette had woken up the next morning to find that Onika had already left, part of her had felt relieved, but part of her had wanted to panic. Was Onika running from her?

While Beyoncé tried her best to proceed throughout the day with the children's normal routine, the thoughts that had caused her to fall apart in the shower the night before still crept in. She had no idea what she was going to do about Onika. The black haired woman had already gotten underneath her skin, had forged a place for herself deep inside of Beyoncé's mind and heart, and trying to decide whether she would be able to handle the aftermath of throwing themselves into such a complicated situation, she realized, was already proving to be one of the most difficult things she'd dealt with so far in her almost 20 years of life. She knew, though, somehow deep inside, that Onika would be worth it, but when all was said and done, would the older woman turn her entire life upside down, along with the lives of her children, just to be with Beyoncé?

Beyoncé wasn't so sure.


Onika felt agitated. While normally she enjoyed her job, being called into the hospital an hour early had thrown a wrench in her plans. The way things had ended the night before, Onika had wanted to at least have a brief conversation with the young brunette to make sure she was okay.

But reality had come knocking at her door and as a result, she spent most of her day when not in surgery being distracted, thinking about Beyoncé and their night together.

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