Chapter 3

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As the days moved forward, Onika found herself desiring more and more to find some sort of an excuse to touch the beautiful, young caretaker. Light caresses on the arm as she walked by, tucking the ever errant strands of hair back behind Beyoncé's left ear, placing her hand on the brunette's knee as they engaged in conversation and sipped wine...

Initially Beyoncé appeared to be, well, not uncomfortable exactly, Onika noted, but certainly affected by the contact, but as the touches became more frequent, the young woman's responses became more receptive.

While Beyoncé hardly ever reciprocated the doctor's attention, she certainly gave no indication that she wanted the older woman to stop. She noticed that she began to crave Onika's presence and almost flirting, in fact, and while she wanted so desperately to act on her attraction, she reminded herself that Onika was 9 years older and married. The most important part was that she was married. Married. Married. Married with children.

And so even though she didn't stop the older woman's gentle affections, she quickly realized that she couldn't if she tried.

But what Beyoncé couldn't figure out was why Onika didn't stop either.

Roughly a week after Beyoncé went jogging the first time, she put Jr and Anyla down for a nap, having had a busy morning at the children's science museum, and made her way into to her room. She flopped onto the comfy bed and laid there for several minutes, just thinking about, Onika, the children, her family, Onika , maybe having a nap too, Onika...

Suddenly the young woman heard a soft sound coming from the bathroom, almost like splashing and she jerked her body forward into a sitting position, alarmed. "Hello?" she called out nervously. "Mrs. Maraj, is that you?" Standing up, she slowly stepped forward toward the open door and peeked into the bathroom. She gasped and spun around on her heels when she saw a mass of pinned up black curls bobbing along to music, hurrying quickly back into her room.

"Beyoncé?" the older woman called out to her. "You can come in if you'd like, I don't mind."

Beyoncé peeked her head around the door frame. "Hi, um, didn't mean to disturb you. I just didn't know you were home since I didn't see your obviously I didn't expect you to be using my bathroom."

Onika pulled the earbuds from her ears and dropped them to rest on her iPhone. "I actually took a taxi home because I was exhausted and I didn't feel it would be safe to drive myself. But I hope it's okay I'm in here? I've had a particularly rough two days and really needed a good, hot soak."

"Oh, why didn't you call me? We could've come and picked you up."

"I didn't want to be an inconvenience to you and the children. It's fine."

"It would've been easy," the young brunette insisted.

"No matter. I'll call next time then?" Onika replied, hopeful, before asking, "Are you okay with me using this tub while you're here?" She looked sheepishly to Beyoncé for permission with her eyes.

"It's your house, so you can technically do whatever you want, right?" Beyoncé smirked.

"Well yes, but you are my guest, and this is your space right now. Are you upset with me?"

"Technically I'm your employee, not your guest," Beyoncé replied, shrugging with a smile. "But no, I'm not upset. You just surprised me is all."

"You're a guest,Beyoncé," Onika replied with finality. "The children are down for a nap, I presume?"

"Yep. Exhausted from the children's museum." She stepped back fully into the middle of the doorway.

"Oh, wonderful. They love it there," Onika replied, beaming. "Why don't you come sit and chat with me? I just slipped in."

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