Chapter 4

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That night Beyoncé dreamed of Onika, and when she startled awake in the middle of the night, her heart felt heavy while her stomach clenched tight. She closed her eyes again and the dream flashed vividly in her mind.

The water was hot, but soothingly so, and the lavender fragrance released by the thick layer of bubbles in the tub relaxed her immensely.

Sighing, Beyoncé sunk slightly deeper into the tub, the water rising to her chin, and closed her eyes.

Suddenly the brunette felt soft hands on her shoulders, fingers quickly flattening and slipping down lower on her chest to cup her breasts. A soft, feminine voice then whispered, "You are so beautiful, Bey." Fingers pinched already hardened nipples. "From the moment I met you, I've felt such an intense connection. It didn't take me long for me to realize how attracted I am to you."

Beyoncé eyes rolled back in her head, her breasts pressing forward, reveling in the older woman's teasings.

"I want to take you, Bey. I want to touch you, and ruin you for anyone else. I want to make you mine."

As the older woman's fingers pinched taut, dark nipples harder, Beyoncé whimpered softly.

"Has anyone ever touched you like this?" the older woman purred.

"N-not exactly like this, no," Beyoncé replied softly. "But...are you sure we should be doing this?"

"Oh yes, we should. Don't worry about anything else right now except how I make you feel, okay?"

Then, as suddenly as the older woman's hands had appeared, they were gone. Surprised, Beyoncé sat up straighter in the tub and glanced back over her shoulder to see Onika quickly pulling off her blue spandex shirt and simple, black pants, revealing no bra and a black thong underneath them.

Slipping off the scrap of black fabric, Onika softly instructed, "Scoot forward," and as Beyoncé turned around again to do so, the older woman stepped into the tub, gripping the sides of the porcelain basin as she lowered herself slowly into the hot, sudsy water. Her feet slipped past Beyoncé's hips, along Beyoncé's legs, and she reached forward to pull Beyoncé back against her body, leaning them both back to rest against the high back of the tub.

Onika slipped her arms around the young woman's waist and then quickly up to palm her breasts again. Then oh so slowly, Onika slid her hand down Beyoncé's taut stomach and finally slipped her fingers through thick curls between the young woman's legs. As the tips of her fingers grazed the top of Beyoncé's clit, Beyoncé gasped, her hips bucking slightly.

"Do you want me to make you feel good, Bey?" She whispered low in Beyoncé's ear, her voice dripping with the desire to make the younger woman come undone. "I have so much I could teach you."

Beyoncé rested her head against Onika's left shoulder, bending her knees and placing her feet flat on the bottom of the tub. She spread open her knees and rested them against the sides of the white porcelain.

"Tell me," Onika purred.

"Please," the brunette begged. "Please just, ah!"

Fingertips played softly against sensitive flesh, circling, sliding.

It was nothing like Beyoncé had ever felt before, including the times that she touched her own body. At 19, almost 20, Beyoncé was certainly no virgin, but the feelings that Onika was causing in her body were definitely new and almost overwhelmingly exciting.

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