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~Ignite's POV~

"Agh! Son of a—" I yelled, as my body crashed through a brick wall.

I laid there for a minute, listening to the sound of crumbling brick and settling dust before slowly pulling myself back up, using the rubble as support. When I finally stood up, I began wiping myself off, then took a look around, and noticed some civilians staring at me.

"Yo! Nice weather today, isn't it?" I asked.

They slowly nod, then scream and run away, and then that's when I feel the rumbling behind me. I look back, and see the Stone Giant I've been fighting running towards me.

"Well, shit." I muttered.

Let me explain. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), or as most people know me, Ignite. I live in Wellview City, one of the most active cities for crime in the country. Here, I am the Number One hero, even though I'm still only nineteen. Anyways, back to the fight.

I started running towards the giant. When I got close, it reared its fist back, ready to punch me. I jumped, twisting my body, ultimately dodging the punch, and landed on its arm. I sprinted up its arm, and leaped onto its head.

"Time to burn you up!" I pulled my arm back, fire encasing my fist, and punched as hard as I could into its head.

The golem staggered, then grabbed me and threw me off, which caused me to hit the ground hard. My head smashed against the pavement . I slowly pushed myself up to my feet, rubbing the back of my head, I could feel the flames that ran through my body leaking from the gash, I sighed inwardly before looking up. The giant was now towering over me. It reared its arm back once again, and I braced myself for another hit, crossing my arms over my face to try and block the oncoming stone fist. After a few moments, when the punch never came, I looked over my arms, only to realize the giant was nowhere to be seen.

"You really are hopeless, aren't you?" A familiar, silky voice sounded from my right.

"Heh. I had it under control, but thanks for the save." I said to Douse.

Douse is a fellow hero of mine, and she's my girlfriend. Her hero outfit is a skin tight blue latex suit. Her mask covered only her eyes, letting her long white hair flow behind her.

"What would you ever do without me?" Douse asked, walking over to me and offering her hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I had that totally under control!" I grabbed her hand, and she pulled me up.

"Whatever you say, fire for brains." She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back, I can never seem to help it when she's around. "Well, I hit it pretty hard, but I didn't finish it off, so if you go finish it off for me, maybe I'll give you a little reward." She winked.

My face started to burn, and not from my flames either. However, she was right. She didn't finish it off. I heard a low growling, like someone grinding two boulders together, and looked over to my left, to see the giant slowly getting up.

"Fine, fine. But you better keep your end of the promise when I 'ground' this thing into gravel." I said, slowly walking towards the golem. "I've had enough playing around, so let's say we heat things up a bit, hm?"

The giant looked at me confused, like a toddler who was told no. However, it was quickly replaced by anger.

"AAAARGH!" The golem let out a gravelly battle cry, before walking towards a bus. It grabbed the bus, and lifted it into the air.

"Oh fuck-" I whispered, before the giant threw the bus at me.

The bus came at me fast, leaving little time to think. I dove to the side, narrowly avoiding getting flattened by the bus. I looked from the wreckage of thebus to the golem.

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