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     It's been almost an hour of me waiting outside her door. She's killing me. Why won't she open it? She won't even speak. I'm not going to leave her, not until she opens the door and lets me take care of her and her bloody feet. She worries me sometimes.

"Min-jie, please open the door" I lean my head against the hard wood and gently speak.

"Come on, please? Look, let's talk later, but I'm worried about you"

No response. Sighing, I stand straight up, running a hand through my hair desperately. 

"Leave me alone. Please" she quietly whispers.

Jolting up, the door isn't open, so she must be on the other side.

"Min-jie, please just let m-"

"Go away! You're making everything worse!"

My heart stops and I hear small sobs coming from the opposite end of the door.

"Please. I'm not going until you open this door" I press a hand to the door, wondering if she can sense my desperation.

"Fine. Then you can stay there all night, I'm going to sleep. In my bed." I can hear shuffles on the other side, meaning she is moving. She wants to challenge me? Challenge accepted. I'm staying here, it's not like she can stay locked in there forever. If she really wanted me gone, she would've called the security on me by now.

Suddenly, I hear a string of loud curses on the other side. It must be her feet.


"I'm fine"

"Please, I know you don't want me here, but let me just help you. With your feet, I can bandage them. Then after that, I'll leave" I lean my head against the door again.

It's quiet on the other side until the door creaks open, revealing her face, eyes glaring at me.

"You better stay true to your word" Her eyes are puffy and her voice is hoarse.

I nod my head up and down happily, I finally get to see her.


I enter her apartment, only to see bloody footprints all around the floor. I shoot my eyes to her feet, which are still bleeding.

"Min-jie! What happened? Oh my god!" I run towards her and pick her up bridal style before she can react.

"Seokjin-ah! Let me down! I don't need your help!" She's squirming and slapping my shoulders, but I don't budge.

I sit her down on the edge of the already filled bathtub, putting her feet into the water which immediately changes the water color to a murky red.

"Where are your bandages and rubbing alcohol?"

"Bedroom cabinet"

I hustle there, retrieving the bandages and rushing back to her. She still refuses to make eye contact with me.

"This will sting quite a bit" I say pouring the rubbing alcohol onto a cotton swab, preparing to disinfect the wound.

She murmurs in response and hisses sharply when the cotton pad makes contact with her cuts.

"Seokjin-ah, that hurts" She winces slightly in pain, hands gripping the edge of the bathtub, her knuckles are turning white.

"Sorry, it's almost done. I promise" The words linger in the air and create uncomfortable tension, where only silence followed.

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