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"Can I get a..." he pauses and has an evil snicker on his face, "... date?"


You freeze and put your hand over your mouth in an attempt to muffle your laugh. That was almost too smooth. You look back at him, who is staring at you with puppy dog eyes.

"Come on, that was good, that should've earned me a date" he drags out the last word, making his intentions crystal clear.

"It's been literally two days since our last one, so don't get your hopes up" you snicker at his cute face, which quickly switches to a smirk, uh oh. 

"So you considered the last one a date?"

Your smile freezes on your face and your neck turns red. That just slipped out, maybe I got the wrong signs?

"I-uhhhh... no?" it comes out more like a question, which basically answers his accusation. 

"Yeah, no. If you see me too much, you'll get sick of me soon" you lighten up the tension with some teasing, that's just how to two of you do it. 

For some reason, he takes one of his mask strings off his ear, and the mask is left dangling next to the side of his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Jin's face is right in front of yours. And you mean right in front. Your noses are almost touching and you can see his long eyelashes, every single one. Just an inch more and  you'd be kissing him.

"I'd never get tired of you Min-jie. Not in a million years" 

His eyes penetrates through yours, almost as if he could see straight through you. He bops his nose against yours with a quick nod of the head, and pulls back smiling, almost as if nothing happened between you. That was the closest the two of you had been, besides the hand holding. Your lips almost touched this time.

"So... about that date..." he trails off, waiting for your answer.

"The bakery closes early today. Meet me here at 3 o'clock right after my shift. If you're even a minute late, I'm catching the bus home" 

You check your watch, it's only -11:00 am- so he'll have to wait a couple hours if he still wants that date. He laughs at your boldness and nods his head. 

"Alright, I'll see you then" 

Before you can respond, he places a quick peck on your cheek before quickly turning back around, putting his mask back on, and heading straight towards the door. You notice the back of his neck and tips of his ears turning bright red. You laugh at that, he's just as nervous as me, even if he acts confident. Luckily nobody noticed him.

For the rest of your shift, you agonizingly wait until the bakery closes. You keep glancing at the clock on the wall as you serve each table, each time you are disappointed with the progress of your day. This is all his fault. You glare at where he was sitting before moving on to other customers.

The bakery finally reaches it's time and you clean the tables, eager to leave. 

"Hey Min-jie" you turn to the sound of Jaebom (your coworker's) voice. You hum in response.

"A while ago, you know that guy who kissed you on the cheek?" You roll your eyes, he's always worrying.

"He's someone I know, don't worry about it" you quickly shrug his worries off.

"You know he's an idol right?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about" your voice cracks on the last word, you suck at lying.

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