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I can't help but pull her into my embrace, she really is different.



He's really warm, but I can't help but feel like I'm a burden.

"Remind him about the dance practice tonight, and tell him we can't reschedule it again to the mornings"

That's what one of his members said, meaning that he's been changing his schedule to match mine. I can't make him do that, or make him feel like he has to put me in front of his career. I mean, it would be nice, but I don't mind. I never have.

"Jin" he turns to me with a cute look on his face, he really is handsome, though I'd never tell him that.

"I also need to talk to you about this relationship" his smile immediately fades.

"I heard what your members said back there" he looks at me confused "I know you've been changing your schedule to match mine" 

He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, not denying it, he knows I know already.

"Don't do that, okay? I know how important your career is to you and your friends"

"But I need to make time for you too"

"No, not as much as your career"

"Why not?"

"Because you need to focus on-"

"But I want to be with you"

"Jin, seriously, you need to stay on task with your jo-"

"Why don't you want to be with me?"

Silence. He actually thinks I don't want to be with him? Why would he think that?

He looks at me before turning around, looking at the ground and letting out a long sigh, where his back is facing me. I slowly creep up behind him, opening my arms and enclosing his waist, burying my face into his back.

He stiffens at the sudden back hug, but he slowly relaxes and stays still for me.

"I don't want to be a burden or a distraction to you or your career~" 

I'm not even sure if he can hear me, as I'm mumbling into his back, my voice being muffled. Before I know it though, our positions have switched and he's the one back hugging me. He turned me around fast. 

"You'll never be a burden to me"

He is whispering into my ear, he's so close that I can feel his warm breath on my cheek. His voice is raspy, which makes me blush even harder. The two of us stay in that position for what feels like forever, his head buried into the back of my shoulder and me holding his arms that are around my waist. I really like this.

Almost too soon, Jin stands up and lets me go, stretching his back. 

"Ah, Min-jie, you're so short, it hurts to even bend down"


I smack his shoulder and look at his pouty face, shaking my head in a quick motion.

"Since you caused this... give me a massage"

Huh? He turns around, his back facing mine, teasing me, he's expecting me to become a blushing mess and refuse. Like I'd ever let that happen.

I slowly put my hands on his shoulders with a mischievous glint in my eyes as he jumps at the touch. I give him a massage, slowly going lower, and lower to his lower back, he's still frozen.

Just as I'm about to get lower, I stab a finger into the middle of his back, making him scream and lunge forward. Whoops.

You stare at his defeated figure on the floor and crouch down to his level. Jin picks his head up and the two of you meet eyes, before he suddenly jerks his head to the side, a bright red blush coloring his cheeks.

"A-Are you blushing?"

It was a sight to see, as it was always him making me blush. I'd never seen him so flustered. I smirk at that.

As I tease him, he grabs a pillow off the floor and covers his red face with it.


I lightly touch his hands, which are gripping the pillow, and bring them down back to the floor carefully. As he has hold of my hands, he yanks me towards him, our noses almost touching. His blush still apparent as mine rises from the close distance.

"Who's the red one now?"

I blush even harder at that. We stare at each other's eyes for a couple seconds before I finally make the first move and touch my lips to his. Almost as if opening a door, he happily complies, demolishing his shy, flustered demeanor from before. 

Our lips move in sync and he grabs the back of my neck to steady us as I tilt my head, deepening the kiss. He hold my waist to steady me before I lose balance.

Finally pulling back, we're both breathless and panting, still staring at each other, his eyes dart  between my eyes and lips. I do the same.

"I-I should probably go to work" 

I look down, trying to hide my smile and blush. He smiles and envelopes me into a huge hug before letting me go.

"You better not change your schedule again"

I say before I leave, with a strict tone. He nods happily like a puppy, still looking a bit dazed. Cute.

I head to work with a smile on my face, I'm really happy with him. He said I'm not allowed to tell anyone about this, not even my closest friends. That sucks, but he refuses to even tell his members, so it's only fair.

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A/N- Sorry for the pause, I was getting a bit unmotivated, but I still wanna continue. Let's just say they have been talking for weeks now, so yeah. :)

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