Chapter 13

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Nates POV
"Babe are you okay?" Maddy asked before taking my face into her small hands.

I guess I had zoned out again. The blowout with Gabrielle hurt and I know she probably hates me and will never talk to me again but she had it coming, I warned her not to talk to me.

"Yeah I'm fine baby." I said taking my keys out of the ignition.

"Do you want to come in." Maddy asked putting her back pack on.

"No babe, I'm just gonna go home and go to sleep. I'll talk to you later." I did before kissing her lips.

"Okay." She simply said before closing my car door and heading into her house. I know I probably hurt her feelings but I'm not in the mood to be around her right now.

I drove home in silence with one person on my mind; Gabrielle. I fucked up bad and I know it and I don't know how to fix it or if I even should.

I parked my car in the driveway and went to my room.

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I ran my fingers through my hear angrily before grabbing my phone and texting her, which was a bad idea because I only made the situation worse. She really wants nothing to do with me. I can't even blame her.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed before laying down on the bed. I ran my hands over my face angrily before deciding that I needed a little extra help to sleep tonight.

I sat up and grabbed my car keys off the floor and walked downstairs. I walked out the front door and hopped in my car.

On the way to Fez's I couldn't stop thinking about Gabrielle. I did feel bad for hurting her but I told her not to do shit like that. We had a plan and she blew it. She's the one that fucked so how am I the monster in this situation.

I parked my car in front of his house and hopped out and began walking to his apartment. I noticed there was another car parked in the driveway and it looked a lot like Gabby's but I didn't think too much of it since she doesn't even know who Fez is and she doesn't seem like the smoking type.

I jogged up the stairs and walked to his apartment door. I knocked loudly before placing my hands in my pocket and waited for him to answer.

He opened the door looking surprised asf. Also I noticed hickeys up and down his neck.

"Hey dude I really need some weed, I got into a -" I start to say as I walk in but I stop in my tracks when I see Gabrielle standing there in his living room. Hair was a mess and lipstick smeared. I felt nothing but rage.

"You fucking whore!" I boomed stomping towards her.

She back pedaled quickly running into a wall.

"How could you? And especially with a low life like Fez!" I screamed in her face before turning to look at Fez.

"Nate fuck you dude. You've been nothing but an asshole to me ever since we met. I don't know why I liked you to begin with." She screamed in my face before placing her small hands on my chest to push me which did virtually nothing.

"Dude you're gonna have to leave if you don't calm the fuck down." Fez said to me as he stepped in between us, probably to protect Gabrielle.

I looked at both of them in disgust before storming out of the apartment and heading down to my car.

"That fucking bitch." I screamed before punching the steering wheel of my car.

She's dead to me.

*hey guys I know this so short but I just wanted to put something up as a filler. I know I've been gone a while but I just didn't have any motivation to write but for right now I'm back. So hopefully I'll be able to get a few more good chapters in while I still want to. Happy holidays be safe ❤️*

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