Chapter 3

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"Make me." I taunted the tall boy in front of me.

He swiftly wrapped his large hand around my throat and applied little pressure.

"I take that 'make me' shit very sexually." He said smirking at me.

I felt my caramel cheeks heat up. I was definitely blushing hard.

I was getting hella turned on but he wasn't going to know that.

"Sorry I don't fuck assholes." I said sternly before trying to remove his hand from my throat which failed.

His hand only got tighter.

"We'll see about that." He smirked before letting my throat go and walking off back to the party. I watched him leave before entering my vehicle.

In all honesty I've never even kissed someone let alone had sex but I do know that Nate Jacobs would not be my first.

I gently caressed the area where he grabbed my neck the heat of his hand still prominent there.

I shook of the the thought of him and drove home.
As I'm walking to my locker at school the next day I see Rue leaning against it.

"Hey Rue." I said softly before turning to my locker to unlock it.

"Wassup Gab. Where were you for the rest of the party?" She questioned raising an eyebrow at me.

"I should be asking you that question I looked for you and Jules for five minutes straight and didn't see you anywhere. I had to deal with Nate all by myself." I sighed in annoyance before slapping her arm. " shame on you for ditching me. You're being a bad friend." I playfully scowled at her.

She giggled before saying, " Hey in my defense Me and Jules didn't ditch you we were still there, we were just in the roof though."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "Ok whatever you say Rue." I said before slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

Me and Rue walked down the hallway to our class but I stopped dead in my tracks.

" oh shit I forgot my trig binder, I'm going to back and get it I'll catch up with you." I said before turning back and running towards my locker.

As I was alone in the empty hallway I heard footsteps approaching.

I looked to the side and saw Nate walking towards me, I quickly turned my head the other way.

I was beginning to grab my binder when my locker door abruptly shut.

"Hey." Nate gleamed.

" Nate why would you do that?" I asked annoyed.

"Isn't that what assholes do?" He questioned sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes before walking away, that binder isn't that damn important if I have to spend another second next to him.

I then felt him grab my wrist and before I knew I was being pulled into empty classroom.

Nate locked the door behind.

It was pitch black, I'm guessing it was vacant.

"Nate what the fuck are you doing?" I asked angrily.

" I wanna do you." He spoke flatly.

" Well you're out of luck because that's never gonna happen I'm not one of those girls that just want to throw themselves at you I have standards and you quit frankly don't reach them." I spoke angrily.

I was about to say something worse before I felt his large hands wrap around my waist pulling me closer.

"Found you, thanks for talking so much it really helped me locate you." He chuckled obviously pleased with himself.

"Nate pleas I -"

I was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on mine. I put my hands on his chest about to push him away but he only pulled me closer.

My hands instantly fell to my sides. I don't know why but I was beginning to kiss him back. Our lips moved in sync with each other's. Since this was my first kiss I was merely following his actions but something came over me and I decided to slip my tongue in his mouth. I know that caught him off guard because he stopped for a moment but briefly continued again.

Things were starting to get s little steamed because he gripped my ass which caused me to moan.

What the fuck I thought to myself but I couldn't help it because it felt so good.

His hand began to slowly creep up my thigh and then under my dress.

I wanted to stop but at the same I didn't. It just felt to good.

He stopped his hand at my lace underwear and began lightly play with the fabric.

"Seems as if you do want me." He said smugly referring to the apparent wetness of my underwear.

He then detached himself from me and left the classroom.

What the fuck just happened ?

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