Chapter 16 - Talamayas

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In that moment, Talamayas realized that Neil intended to observe the formalities required of him–to bow and dip his head to the leader of this territory. It would make Talamayas sick if he did so, considering how close they had been, but it wasn't in his position to stop him as his knees bent.

Thankfully, his shadow did it for him. Vice yanked Neil back up to his feet the instant his knees dipped an inch, and Neil jumped and spun around with confusion. Vice occurred to him only after the initial fear, and Neil straightened up with an embarrassed expression that finally cracked a smile on Tala's face. Just that eased Neil and he returned it in a way that lit the man up.

Neil was happy.

Tala had expected the man to come here spitting profanities and demanding he answer for what he'd done to Silvia Copse, but he looked excited. That meant he didn't know. How was that possible?

"Welcome, Neil Arc," Talamayas said, and Neil stiffened from his full name. "You needn't stand on occasion, if that is your concern. You are welcome in my territory any time you please, and if you have to wait and kneel each time, that's just a waste of time, honestly." Tala really smiled, and Neil fiddled with his fingers.

"Thank you, Tala–mayas." Neil added at the end, unsure how he should refer to him, and Tala chuckled.

"What is it you need, Neil?" Tala asked, and the man straightened up again. That meant this was more than a social visit.

"I'm in a bit of hot water," Neil said, his smiled dipping and his shoulders slumping. "I know you usually have your... head in the sand... so I am unsure if you know what I'm speaking of."

Shan snorted laughter off to the side of the throne room, and it drew Neil's eyes to where he was standing with Wren now leaning against a wall in curiosity as well. The sight of the Song mage standing free had Neil cringing back for a moment, but he quickly focused back on Tala.

"You mean over Angelus' fall. I am aware of the tension concerning how you killed your own people without cause by vampire law," Talamayas said with a pitying smile of his own. While Tala had helped, that was not known because Vice was invisible and a no one in the vampire world. Only Neil's hands had gotten dirty when it had been both of them who'd taken down the corrupt legacy of his father.

"Yes, well I need to grow, Talamayas. I want to be stronger, able to fight on my own, control myself, and protect and lead my people. I can't do that if I'm isolated in the Arc territory, and I was hoping you might help with my progression. I need to grow, as quickly as possible because this will come to a head after the unity gathering, when the council meets to speak to the people. They will ask for my head, and I need to be able to hold my house up."

"Neil, I would be happy to help the Arcs in any manner I can."

"But?" Neil asked, hearing the change in his tone at the end.

"There are just things we must discuss in private first. Please, come to the drawing room." Talamayas stood from his throne and headed out the far door, and Neil followed after.

It wasn't far down and they both knew that way, at least if Neil still remembered his castle. Mostly, Talamayas just wanted Neil sitting when he told him what he'd done to Silvia. They couldn't continue relations hiding things, and it appeared Silvia Copse hadn't told him. They found seats near the small coffee table rather than behind his desk, so it was less formal, and Neil plopped down with renewed comfort now that he wasn't surrounded by guards he didn't know as well.

Before they could speak, the door latch clacked, and Neil turned back. Wren walked in like he owned the place and sat in a chair by Talamayas desk, tossing his feet up on it, and Neil gave him a long look of fear before he turned back to Tala for answers.

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