My jaw clenched. I was unsettled by her answer but what choice did I have?

I sighed, shrugging off her hand. "Like you said, let's just get his over with."

Dr. Pierce nodded and turned on her heels, walking back into the Testing Room with me following close behind. As Dr. Pierce began setting up for the test, my eyes met Elias's. By the looks of it, he was still confused as to what was going on. This was so out of protocol for him, and with his past with the abusive Dr. Grant, I could only imagine the thoughts running through his mind.

An urge to comfort him washed over me and before I could stop myself I walked over to take a seat next to him on the examination table. I glanced up at him once I had sat down but his eyes were now glued to Dr. Pierce. He watched her back with curiosity as she worked to set up the test. His back stiffened when she pulled the mask out of the black briefcase to connect to the tubes.

His wings fluttered as his electric blue eyes met mine, searching. I could already see the betrayal and confusion starting to form behind those blue orbs.

Ashamed, I looked down only to see his grip tightly fastened on the edge of the table. His knuckles had turned white and I was surprised that metal remained unbent.

Carefully, I lifted my hand, inching it towards his. I didn't have to look to know he was watching me because his knuckles lost the white color as he relaxed his grip. Slowly, I placed my hand on his, basking in the warmth of his skin.

We sat there for a moment before I dared to look up. When I did, I was surprised to see that his gaze was down, fixated on our hands.

Eventually, he lifted his gaze back to mine and my chest fluttered. I felt his hand relax beneath mine and his gaze softened. My lips lifted into a small smile.

Someone cleared their throat from beside us. Looking up, I saw Dr. Pierce watching us in quiet contemplation. She was standing beside me with the mask in one hand and the connecting tubes loosely draped around her arms.

Dr. Pierce looked at me and I could see it in her eyes; it was time.

Sliding off the examination table, I stood up, turning to face Elias.

"I'm going to need you to lie down okay?" I said, forcing what I hoped to be an encouraging smile.

His eyes watched mine a moment before he nodded. I stepped back when he spread his large wings to lay his back on the metal surface. They hung off the slides of the table, and I had to step around them to come up beside his face.

He seemed to be at ease as he watched me hook him up to various monitors; respiratory, nerve, and heart monitors. But I was anything but. The guilt was tearing me apart. I was actively breaking the trust I spent weeks building. What if he gets angry at me? Would he hurt me like those other scientists? I couldn't blame him if he did. After this, I would be just like them. Just like the cold-hearted scientists who treated him like some sort of experiment to abuse.

I swallowed to keep down the bile rising in my throat.

After he was hooked up, Dr. Pierce stepped up beside me to hand me the mask, setting the tubes beside the table. I nodded and she returned the gesture before stepping out of the room.

The room fell silent and, for the first time, I felt uncomfortable.

I could see the cameras in the corner of the room reminding me that not only was Dr. Pierce watching but most likely Dr. Grant as well.

Letting out a shaky breath, I squared my shoulders and looked back at Elias. His eyes watched me as I walked around him, positioning myself behind where his head rested on the examination table.

With my free hand, I brushed my fingers across his forehead, moving aside a few wayward tendrils of his soft ebony hair. His eyes stayed on me as I removed my hand and lifted the mask so that he could see it.

As soon as his eyes landed on it, he jolted upwards to sit upright on the table. The monitors shifted with his body as he pulled on the cords attached to him. His wings tucked in front of his body defensively as he stared me down.

"Please, we don't have a choice Elias!" I tried to reason but he refused to lay back down.

I sighed. "Please Elias if we don't do this Dr. Grant will come ba-"

"No!" Elias growled, startling me.

I looked at him wide-eyed. Where I thought I would find anger I only saw fear swirling in his frantic blue eyes. I took a breath. "I know, trust me I don't want him here either. That's why we have to do this," I explained, gesturing to the mask in my hands.

He frowned, his frustration growing. He remained silent but in his eyes, I could see the inner turmoil brewing like a storm. He had to pick between pain or more pain. I felt terrible. I could tell that my actions hurt him and I swallowed the growing lump in my throat.

"Please Elias," I pleaded, my voice cracking slightly. "I don't want to hurt you but I'm afraid of what will happen if we don't do this." As I spoke, I watched his anger fade. The frustration in his eyes gave way to an understanding of the cruel situation.

His wings slowly relaxed as they released their shield around his body. I watched his face scrunch up in concentration as he weighed his options.

After a few moments, his shoulders sunk and he nodded, defeated.

"How about we try something," I said gesturing for him to lie back down. "As soon as you feel uncomfortable you let me know and I will stop it immediately. I promise."

His eyes searched mine for a moment before he responded.

"Okay," he said, his voice quieter than usual but thankfully not angry.

I took a steadying breath before I moved to stand beside where Elias's head rested on the table.

Looking down at him my heart climbed. He looked defeated. His normally vibrant blue eyes had faded to a dull grey as he watched me. With my free hand, I let my fingers brush a few stray wisps of midnight hair from his face. His eyes fluttered closed as I let my fingers linger. The moment only lasted a second before I snapped back to reality. Removing my hand, I grasped the mask and brought it to hover over his face.

His eyes met mine once more.

"Ready?" I whispered, scared that if spoke any louder my voice would surely break.

"Yes," he replied just as softly.

He closed his eyes once more and I took the opportunity to slip on the mask, covering his nose and mouth.

Once the mask was secured, I walked over to the gas tank Dr. Pierce had hooked it up to. My hand shook violently as I turned the lever, letting the toxins flow.

The test had begun.

Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]Where stories live. Discover now