Chapter 67 Informants

Start from the beginning


Iolaus frowned in concern as he listened to Chloe's explanation. The rider surely was suspicious, but it wasn't like they could openly inquire.

Cyrus clenched a fist. The whole thought of a traitor at work, and the fact that Boncini was dragged into it, made his blood boil. He knew he needed to keep a clear head, but if it were up to him he would love to grab lord Vertus at the collar and demand some answers.

With a frustrated growl, he ran a hand through his hair. This rider, had he purposely waited until Cyrus and Iolaus had ridden out towards the border defenses, or was it a mere coincidence? Was the day and time set? He turned to Iolaus. "Tomorrow, I will ride out by myself," he said, "it will give you the time to investigate. Follow the directions Chloe saw the rider take and see what you can find out."

Iolaus' face still held concern. "Cyrus," he said cautiously, "I'm not sure this is the best time for me to leave your back unguarded. We don't know who we can trust. What if they make an attempt at your life?"

Cyrus let out a heavy breath. "I know it's not ideal, but it might be our only chance. I can't prolong my visit here much further or lord Vertus might get suspicious. I'll be careful. I can tell lord Vertus I want to focus on his plans for improvement. We can discuss them here at the estate in his study. At least I won't have to worry about stray arrows at my back. If they planned to kill me with poison it would have happened already."

Not entirely convinced, Iolaus sighed and sat down on one of the recliners in the room. He knew what Cyrus said was true. They might not get the chance again. Still, it didn't sit right with him to leave Cyrus by himself. "Very well," he said.

"After this, we will visit the Horas estate," Cyrus told him, "if there is nothing to find, we will continue on to Matís and then return home through the coastal road. That way we will visit Moraye, Stregare and Verene too before returning home." He smiled at his friend tentatively. "If you wish, we can stop by your family and stay the night. I know it's been a while since you've visited them and we'll be in the South anyway. It would stop rumors from spreading as well that we are skipping Valais on our border inspection."

Iolaus gave a nod and smiled. "It will be good indeed to see my parents and my sisters. Besides, Valais has lost many men in the attack on the fortification. No one would think anything of it if you were to visit them to offer your sympathy."

"Then it's settled," Cyrus decided, "make sure to leave early and stay out of sight. Report back to me tomorrow night." He dismissed Iolaus and fell back on his bed with a tired sigh. He wasn't looking forward to a long journey along the border estates. He wanted to be home with his family and come up with a strategy to end this war. Instead, he was hunting down an elusive traitor. When he got his hands on that traitor, he would be sure to make their life hell.

"Do you need anything else, Your Highness?" Chloe asked quietly.

Cyrus closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, thank you Chloe. Go get some rest."

Chloe curtsied and quietly left the room. For a brief moment she had wondered if he would fall into his old pattern of taking her to his bed, but it seemed he, too, had moved on from that. She was relieved at that.

Tired, she crawled into her own bed. It had only been a few days, but she missed Lykander and Phoebe. She missed life at Boncini. Was everyone at home alright? She knew she had volunteered for this, but that was before Cyrus had decided to visit all the lords along the border. It would take months before she'd see her home again. She had never been away from home before. It made her feel lonely.

Chloe sighed and rolled onto her side. She truly hoped the traitor would be found soon.


When word had reached them that the nomads Darius had been looking for were spotted, the king had given Torcan permission to ride out himself. There was no one Darius trusted more than Torcan, and it was Torcan's brother that would be possibly wed to the girl.

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