Chapter 14 - We are pregnant!

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Sara's POV

Michael's first task upon unlocking the door was checking the whole house, asking me to stay put at the front door until he made sure there were no unwanted people in here.

I took a deep breath and good look of the house - it needed a dire airing and a good dusting.

Heavy footsteps pounded above me, and my heart raced as I recalled the cold night Nathaniel had surprised me.

No, stop it Sara. You are safe. Your family is safe.

My hand flew to my stomach.

We are safe. Nobody's in here. Nobody will do you harm in your own house - not again. Not when they are locked away. All three of them.

Still, I felt my heartbeat up to my ears and held my breath, my throat so dry that I wanted to break out in a harsh cough. Against my will, my hands started shaking, and it itched in my fingers to check the monitors just in case.

My eyes flew around all the spots where he could hide. Behind that door. Behind the kitchen isle. Underneath that furniture over there in the living room. The corner that was invisible from here and always dim.

What if that wasn't Michael? What if he-

"Everything's clear", my husband's deep voice thundered from upstairs, making me jump. He appeared on the upper floor, which was visible from the front door. His expression softened as his eyes followed my hand, which flew to my beating heart. "We are alone."

Only now did I breathe in. When had I held my breath?

"Ok good. Good", I wiped my wet hands against my legs. "Great. Puh. Should we go pick up the dogs?"

"First you will calm down", Michael softly laid out. "I'll have Philipp drive up here."

"We should go pick up the dogs, they are ours after all", I explained, shaking my head.

"I'll just lie we are beat", Michael laughed, shrugging. "Calm down, mon amour. I'm here. You two are safe."

I smiled immediately, my shoulder's lowering. His tone made me believe him fully. "Do you have the money to pay him back?"

"I'll make a deposit", Michael mumbled, turning towards the staircase. "One second."

His steps echoed down the staircase, never descending them slowly. He always moved as if somebody was chasing him.

"I'm here again", my husband proclaimed and went to my side, picking up the suitcase. "Wanna kick your legs up and relax?"

"No, the house is in a state, we need to go shopping, tend to the dogs and unpack our things", I vehemently denied. "And if we feel like it, we should call tonight."

"Or tomorrow." Michael suggested with a worried look at me and the stomach. He wanted me to rest up, that much I could tell.

Still, I looked at him surprised and followed him to our bedroom. "After work?"

"No." The blond laid down the suitcase on the floor and unzipped it.

"During work? How on earth would that work?", I took the dirty laundry off his hands and threw it into the laundry bin.

"We aren't working tomorrow." Michael called over his shoulder, unpacking his work bag and rejoining me at our bed.

"You don't want to work tomorrow!?", my hand flew to his forehead. "You want to take another day off!? Are you feeling alright? Should we go to a doctor's?! You and skipping work - that's like ghosts being real!"

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