Chapter 20 - Brothers

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Michael's POV

I walked to the company car quickly and threw myself inside, locking the doors the moment I had sat down, throwing my phone onto the passenger's seat.

Put my hands on the wheel.

Took a few seconds to compose myself.

It's alright. Everything's alright. A safe distance laid between you and that Jezebel.

Start the car.

Start the car.

Start the fucking car already, Michael.

Shakily, I went to the engine button. Then stopped.

Leaned back into the seat and closed my eyes.

Just ... breathe.

A deep, guttering breath left my lips - and I just ... started crying.

Return to your family? What family?

I can't. I just can't!

„God", I shakily bit, pressing the heels of my hands against my eyes, wiping my tears frantically away, in a desperate attempt to stop the crying.

Sebastien flashed before my eyes, pale, veins all over his white face visible, deep bags underneath his bright green eyes. Leon, the last time I had seen him, not even done with middle school yet, crying as we parted yet again. My mother, when she had been in a good mood, stroking my hair back as I talked with her about anything. My father waiting at the bus stop whenever I would get in, looking after the school bus until it was out of sight. Only then would he go to work.

I hit the wheel with a loud, furious cry. The whole car shook from the impact.

„FUCK!", I yelled and hit it again. Over and over again. „FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

You are too old to be bawling your eyes out in a fucking car in the middle of New fucking York, Michael!

Get it together!

Start the fucking car. Drive to the company. GET YOUR FUCKING STUFF AND LEAVE GODDAMN IT!

People passed by the car quickly, speaking in hushed tones, looking at me like I was crazy.

I held back a curse, pressed my lips together and just booked it.

Forget them. Forget everybody but Sebastien, Leon, Adrien, Rebecca, Marthe, Victor, Gerard, Marie, nana and papaw.

The others were long dead, left in the past where they belonged. They have done nothing but wrong you, Michael. I kept telling myself that over again. They left you behind. They don't care for you. So you don't care for them.

I gripped the wheel, a new wave of tiredness washing over me that I felt even deeply in my bones. I just wanted to sleep. The days and nights had been so indescribably long lately, the tasks were never ending, the company just wasn't where I wanted it to be. I don't even recall when the last time was I went outside like this. Had I even eaten something today?

My phone vibrated repeatedly. My gaze fell to it for a second before I looked up again.

Whoever it was: I'm driving. I'm not checking my phone until I turned off this car.

It stopped and I felt myself sit up straight.

Then it started vibrating again and I slumped. „One minute? Just one minute without somebody needing something! Please!"

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