Chapter 23 - Surprise after surprise

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Sara's POV

"Is there anything you need from Target?", I asked, peaking my head inside Michael's office, already holding my handbag.

"Non", Michael answered, not really listening, focusing on the files evenly placed before him. He read one with furrowed brows and a heavily concentrated face. I watched him shuffle through them, then turn to his two computers followed by an orchestra of mouse clicking.

"Then I'm gone. Anne-Marie is staying behind to organize all the meetings and such for the gala." It was a nice break to have somebody else organize everything for you. I didn't have to call the gala, I didn't have to book my own appointment, I didn't have to do anything but wait for the day to come and show up.

I waited for an answer. Or rather, I waited until it sunk in.

"Bodyguard is waiting outside", Michael courtly answered, met my eyes sternly so I wouldn't deny him, waving me away as his phone rang. I got the clue and softly shut the door, just in time as I heard him answer.

I gave a heads up to Anne-Marie, who was sitting in our drawing-room, that I was to leave for Target as I needed some things for the house. She asked if her help was needed, but I assured her she could stay behind - and that she should rest from her travels.

Inhaling deeply, I opened the door and met the stern eyes of the young man. "Hey." There really was no way around this guy.

Mark Sullivan solemnly nodded back, stern-faced like the day I had met him. It was a surprise to see ... my bodyguard in normal clothing. I guess he didn't stick out that much this way.

"Would you accompany me on my shopping trip?"

"Madam, you needn't ask if I will join you. Give me your order and I will fulfil it."

"Then we are going to Target. I'm driving", I decided tight-lipped.

"Mr Beaumont will stay behind I presume."

"Yes, why?", I inquired to know, turning around to see him. Sullivan spoke into a walky-talky lowly and quickly. "Reinforcement for the home. I repeat. Reinforcement for the home. Madam is leaving the premise."

I turned to the car door and leaned my head against it. Good grief. Michael, how many have you hired in the time Anne-Marie and I discussed the gala?

"Madame!", Anne-Marie shouted from the front door, waving to get my attention. Sullivan approached her and took something out of her hand, his eyes quickly on me again. Once he was assured I was safe, his body rested a bit, still ready to act if something were to happen.

Mr Sullivan moved past me and waited until I got inside the car, then sat down in the passenger's seat. I shuffled through my bag to see if I had packed my phone before I put it in the seat behind me.

"Per the last report the streets are clear and the traffic is low. You should be there in about 20 minutes", Sullivan informed me.

"Good", I weakly answered, gripping the wheel. "By the way ... How many of you are there?"

"If you mean working for you, then we currently have about 50 people at your service, Madam. My partner will join us at the destination."

50. bodyguards.


"And if people were to ask ...?", I wriggled my finger between us.

"Then we are your assistants", Sullivan crossed his arms, eyes sternly held onto the road. "Rest assured, Madam, we are doing our job to protect your family."

The CEO's WifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora