Chapter 18 - Nagging thoughts

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Sara's POV

Once my eyes fluttered open, my hand reached over to my phone instinctively, thoughtlessly, and opened the app of our home security system.

Only after I had checked every camera, every knock and cranny of our home and realized I was safe, only then could I breathe again. Feeling my heart pound up to my ears, I took a few more minutes to compose myself.

I laid down more into the bed again and stroke my stomach, which had also come to become a habit of mine. It felt ... wrong if I didn't touch baby.

Baby ... something lingered in my mind but I couldn't place the feeling I experienced right now.

I double-checked the systems again, triple-checked before I got out of bed. God how I hated being home alone ever since the incident. Before I had no problem being on my own but now ....

I wish Michael was here with me ... and I wondered when the time will come when I'm sick and tired of him. Mum often said every married woman looked forward to the time their spouse was gone for a bit, but I was still as clingy to Michael it seemed.

Actually, not as clingy as in the beginning. God we coudln't go a day without making out, meeting up all the time and spending every second of the day together. Even at work, we always were close to each other and searching for any opportunity to see each other.

I smiled at the sweet memories that filled my mind. Our arms touching as we made coffee, both still shy to properly talk to each other.

The moment we started dating, when Michael openly looked at me and sent anybody away that wanted to come close to me, wanting it to be just the two of us.

The long kisses and dances of his to woe me, which had worked. I mean, I'm a Beaumont now. That devil knew how to use his words and looks.

Waking up next to him for the first time, only for him to brush my hair back, search my eyes and exclaim ‚wow' at the sight of me.

I'll never forget his loving eyes in those moments. Even to this day, especially when my hand flew to my stomach - he was already proud of us, even if we still had a long way to officially become parents.

I love him. And I don't mind one bit that I miss him as much as in the beginning. I love being clingy to that man ... my man!!

„Look at me", I laughed, stroking baby. „I miss papa so much again. You must too."

I slipped into my slippers and only now checked the time. Soon it was lunch time and Michael would probably come home, knowing him. I hope he could concentrate on work properly, he must be so worried about me ... I should really cook something for him. Poor guy had taken over the household completely while I was sick in bed.

But he gladly did it and without me asking to, begging me to lay down and rest. He really was the kindest man god could have given me.

I calculated the time difference in my head and decided to give mum a call. It was her day off and maybe she was free right now-

„Hello baby!", Mum chirped immediately

„Hey", I stiffled a laugh „Do you have time to chat a bit?"

„Of course I do - but first tell my why aren't you at work?"

„So did the situation calm down?", mum asked while I was cooking up a quick dish for my Miche.

I always had a system when I cooked and chatted with mum: connect her to a speaker and enjoy her expressions on my ipad. I always was happy to see my family again. The dogs were always close, in case anything were to happen. My phone was next to the ipad with the security cameras on, so I could keep an eye on the whole house.

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