Chapter 13 - The three of us

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Sara's POV

Upon the relieving news that I was indeed healthy - Anne-Marie wasn't informed of my pregnancy because Michael didn't want that - our suitcases were quickly packed and carried to an already waiting car.

If this mansion, or chateau, was a master, then it was in one thing: mamaging sudden turns and twists with the most elegant and cool demeanor I had ever witnessed. Mishaps were treated as of they were just an additional detail, a drastic change of plan was met with a calm, stern force that was named Anne-Marie.

Within an hour of us claiming we were ready to depart, everything had been organized without a word or complaint. We even had enough time to grab a snack before we were sent outside.

As I scrambled to gather my little trinkets, I worryingly reminded my husband of his meetings. "We can't make it on time for the lunch meeting and we missed out on the board meeting on Friday! And if we don't hurry now we won't be able to meet Mr Forster-"

"No stressing", Michael immediately interrupted, lifting his hand in a motion for me to stop, in his hand his most priced possession: his work stuff. "It's not good for the baby."

I huffed, but couldn't hold back the smile.

"Besides, rescheduling isn't the worst thing that I can do", he added with a wink, but I caught the evil undertone in his voice.

How many companies has he destroyed during his work life? How many companies have faced the wrath of Michael de Beaumont - and had not survived it? I shuddered at just the mere thought and forced myself to not think of that.

Hand on my back, he guided me and the baby safely to the car, through the terminal and finally our seat. First class. Because he wanted to make sure we were away from the others. And comfortable. And save.

I still couldn't believe it. I'm pregnant. With our first child. Our baby in my belly! There is a cute baby in my belly! A little us, made with love and we both couldn't already wait to hold our baby in our arms!

I caught myself smiling and placing my hand on my stomach - and Michael's proud smile and tear-filled eyes met my sight. He squeezed my hand tightly, the toothy smile never leaving his lips.

Michael waited until I sat down, then put our stuff away and sat down as well. The first thing he did was place his hands on my stomach. "How are you feeling? Thirsty? Hungry? Do you need anything?"

I shook my head softly. "Fine, so far", I patted his hand that held my stomach, butterflies dancing around in my stomach. This feeling of love was so new, so exiting, it felt as if I had just started dating Michael all over again. Shaky legs. Uncertain words. Shy smiles. It felt as if we were the only people on this world. Us and our baby. "I'm a bit tired, honestly."

Upon my words, the billionaires shoulders softened and his whole body relaxed. "Good; then sleep. You have some time to do so."

"And what about you, bebo?"

"I'll look after you two and organize a few things here and thefe", Michael promised with a heartfelt smile.

As he stroke my hand and my stomach, something in my heart and stomach set off, a feeling I could not yet place; but mostly I felt happy. Ecstatic. Like the world was a perfect place, just for a split second. As if everything will be alright.

It reminded me of our talks when I was still bound to the wheelchair, when Michael had whispered "I love you" "I'm here for you" "We'll manage this" to me during the nights I couldn't sleep. Of hope. It reminded me of the day when the thought of wanting a baby had first manifested firmly in my head. And now it was happening. I was growing a baby. Our baby. I was pregnant with our baby! No matter how many times I repeated it to myself, I still was shell-shocked by the news, but the smile I bore only grew wider.

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