Chapter 3 - Whitsundays

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Sara's POV


South Africa

After a week of exploring Durban passed, we boarded our next flight to Whitsundays, Australia.

Week two and three out of eight of our honeymoon were coming ahead.

Michael, like always, insisted on carrying our luggage, not even listening to a word of mine as I tried to at least carry my bag. Hector and Victor had raised the Beaumont boys like true gentlemen, not letting me open one door, carry one heavy thing or pay anything.

And I was treated like a princess by my husband - the quick messages I sent back and forth with Emma made me smile as I thought of that. She said I should enjoy it for as long as he was so in love with me, before we would bicker like an old couple a few years down the line.

I pressed a kiss between my husband's shoulders in the elevator and leaned my head onto that spot. Circling my hands around his waist, I kept them there, hugging my husband with as much love as I could humanly put into my touch.

I gazed up to his neck, loving the sight of his blond waves curling at the end. His strong neck got a kiss too, and I traced the stretching shirt that hugged his back muscles.

How could a man be this handsome~?

"You tease you", Michael bent his head down and demanded a kiss, puckering his lips.

"Just appreciating you, my handsome man~", I tip-toed and smashed my lips onto his, not stopping until we were both out of breath.

Michael gasped for air, then, with shining eyes, pressed his lips onto mine again.

I crawled onto his shirt, enjoying the sound of him dropping our stuff to squeeze me tightly. His hands went down and squeezed my ass, growling lustily as I deepened the kiss.

I caught myself hoping that this would never, ever stop. The affection. The compliments. His bear hugs.

I only hoped I would get more and more as the years went by.

Our flight was delayed by an hour - so we searched for a free spot the closest to our gate and sat down. Neither of was hungry, nor did we want to do any shopping.

It was 5 in the morning and we had been up since 2 am. Of course we had to arrive much earlier for the check-in, which had taken an hour, and now we had more time to kill.

I leaned my head onto the shoulder that I could draw blindly by now - the muscle, the soft spot between two arches, the curly surprisingly dark hair.. I kissed it and made myself comfortable on it.

Michael kissed my forehead, brushing my hair back behind my ear. "Tired, mon amour ?"

"Hmm", I hummed with closed eyes.

"Sleep", Michael offered me his chest. "I'll watch over you."

Michael's POV

My heart pitter-pattered as Sara curled up against me, nuzzling her body as close as she could against mine.

It was a no-brainer to wrap my arms around her - I couldn't just not hug her when she laid on me, it was how I fell asleep at home too, after all.

With her on top of me, arms wrapped around her, chin resting on her hair.

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