Chapter 17 - Magoa

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Sara's POV



Innocence and puriety.

Fresh life and rebirth.

Two simples types of flowers which such a strong, vast meaning behind them.

Flowers that would always bring me back to this unusual warm spring day in New Canaan. 

Fresh water filled the glass vase with a satisfying sound, instilling a ravenous feeling of thirst inside me with it. I reached for one cup while our friend's laughter echoed through the empty house, greedily drinking the cold water. 

April 30th. 

I looked over to the daisies and lilies that were seemingly glowing with life. So fresh and new. Some lilies hadn't even opened yet, still in the process of growing.

Like our babies.


„Coming!", I shouted over my shoulder, tore myself out of my thoughts and placed the vase hastily in the middle of the living room table. Maybe I should have chosen the light beige vase instead now that I look at it-

„Sara!", it was now Nina who called for me.

„Sara", Clarissa chimed in, laughing.

„SaRa", my husband called in a mocking tone, high pitched and making fun of them.

„Coming, coming!", I laughed, shook my head and hurried outside to them. 

„Duchess de Beaumont!", Philipp awed as I stepped out; he got up from his seat and bowed deeply and repeatedly. „It is such an honour-"

For the first time in my life I agreed with Michael throwing stuff at his friend to make him shut up. The napkin was tossed straight into his face and Philipp pulled a face as it hit the floor.

We broke out in roaring laughter.

„Enough of that, please", I giggled as I joined my husband's side. Michael reached for my hand and brushed it with his fingers as I sat down next to him. „Rather tell us what we missed during the time we were gone."

„Not much. Some figures. Some new faces, some old faces", Jess swirled her hand in the air and stuffed a handful of chips into her mouth „Fame old, fame old."

„Fame old, fame old", Michael mimicked her with a shaking head. „Finish chewing and then speak."

„Jesus you really are the oldest child", Jess rolled her eyes. „Sara understood me perfectly fine."

„It's called basic manners!", Michael countered and I just ignored them and looked at the others.

 „Nothing really. Job wise it was exactly the same, the same annoying people annoyed us, we thought we would have a blast now that Michael's gone but Hamish was up our asses all day long. We went to see many movies without yall though ... and taco tuesday isn't the same when you two aren't present but we can pick up on those again", Philipp thoughtfully mumbled.

„Rather, tell us how your honeymoon was! The pictures were beyond beautiful!", Nina swooned, placing her head onto her hands with a lovely sigh.

„It was magical", I looked over to Michael and he stopped bickering with Jess, his eyes growing soft and a loving smile spread on his handsome face. I could kiss that broad mouth all day long, even more so now that the pregnancy hormones were already making me crazy for him.

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