Plot 1- Chapter 4

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The morning following their adventure, Omkara woke up with a smile on his face. To say the truth, he barely slept last night going over and over the intimate hug he had with his love...the moments he got to spend with her working together.

He had craved to talk to her for the last three years but his insecurity always held him back. He cannot take her rejection. She had been the only woman he ever loved and she will be the only one till he breathed his last... come what may.

Over the years he never wanted anything for himself solely... he worked hard trying to make ends meet for his brother. So that at least he can have a better life than him. Every asset, every rupee he earned had the name of both the brothers on it... every aspect of his life and every corner of the house had their memories engraved in it. The only thing he ever wanted for him alone in all selfishness was her.

Now that he spent a few cherished hours with her and she seemed to tolerate his presence beside her, he gathered courage to ask her if she can tolerate him for the rest of their lives too. Will it be asking for too much if he hoped for a future with her? Will she give him a chance?

Life has made him strong to deal with ups and downs of it. He singly drove through the rough and smooth plains and emerged safely to the finish line... he only wished he gets the girl of his choice to cross that line together and win in the life race.

As he freshened up... he ted talked himself to gear up and propose her today at any cost. He cannot back out now that he took Rudra's name in the promise. Thinking of ways to ask Gauri... her hand in marriage, he cooked the breakfast and walked to Rudra's room to wake him up. He had another task at hand... telling his brother about Gauri.

"Rudy... wake up.. it is past eight" Omkara gently called him stroking his head.

"Bhaiyya... five minutes more... please"

"The coffee will get cold Rudy... and your five minutes will never come to an end... get up and have your breakfast... I need to talk to you" he urged and Rudra begrudgingly sat up on the bed still drowsy.

"Go and freshen up...I will set the table till then" he said and walked out.

After breakfast Rudra was back to being his chirpy self and pestered Omkara with questions about his adventure the previous night.

Omkara explained the events in detail... of course subtracting the hugs.

"We are still not safe Rudy... even if we have the documents, Vijay Thakur can resort to illegal means and try to claim the land... we need to file a complaint in the police... Veer ji will come today I guess we need to meet him in the afternoon" said Omkara.

"Veer Saxena...Svetlana madam's husband?" he asked surprised and his brother nodded his head.

"Yeah... he recently got transferred here as the superintendent.... He has been asking for Svetlana mam's forgiveness since then" he informed smiling "I know she forgave him... it is just her ego that is stopping her... Veer ji is a good man... she might be misunderstanding him"

"Then consider the work done bhaiyya... Svetlana madam can ask him for help directly... how can he deny her" he said winking and Omkara smiled in agreement.

"Achaa.. I have something to tell you bhaiyya" started Rudra looking at him.

"Ohh.. even I have to tell you something.. you go first then" Omkara said smiling at his brother.

"Bhaiyya... I feel guilty for hiding this from you... please don't feel bad" he said.

"What did you hide from me Rudy... I understand you... even if you did.. there must be a reason" said Omkara.

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