❁ Chapter 34 | nina

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My mother hadn't known about me getting fired until I'd told her this morning

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My mother hadn't known about me getting fired until I'd told her this morning.

She'd just assumed I was on a little vacation but never thought to ask any questions. So when she walked through that door, she was surprised to see me laying on my couch, scrolling through my phone on my Twitter feed instead of working in my office.

"Que paso? Porque no estás trabajando?" (What happened? Why aren't you working?)

"Me corrieron." (They fired me)

I'll admit, I was a bit embarrassed to say this to my mother. Which is why I'd kept it from her for the past couple of days.

My parents have always been the silent but judgmental type. If I tell my mother something, she'll pretend like what she heard  wasn't disappointing but deep down it is.

She bombarded me with questions about how I was going to find another job and how I should instead stay at home to take care of Lenny while Harry does all the working.

I grew up watching the pressure of my father working for his entire family and I could never stay home and have Harry do all the work. Not to mention we don't even live together anymore which means I have to earn money for myself and for my own house now.

After kindly reminding her that Harry and I weren't living together she shook her head at me and sighed, "Pues, no se que decirte, Nina"
(Well, I don't know what to tell you, Nina.)

I was afraid she'd bring up Harry too because I wouldn't know how to explain having him by my side for the past few days.

She's definitely convinced we're together again, that's for sure.

But one thing I'm not sure of is where Harry and I stand.

After last night, I'm not sure what I wanted us to be nor how to feel. It might be a little too soon to determine what we are.

I've got so much love for Harry. I always have and that's a feeling that I know will never disappear.

But being in love is a completely different story and I'm so fucking confused about my emotions due to the fear of fucking everything up again.

Which leads me to where I am now, with Lenny playing with her doll set she'd gotten from her birthday as we waited for Harry to come back.

She was really excited about the fact Harry would be staying for a few days. Telling me how it'd be like when we all used to live together.

But mid conversation, the door unlocks and we both turn our heads to watch Harry walk though the door. A light gasp slipping from my lips as I take notice of Harry's bruising face and cut lip.

Getting up from my seat, I walk over to him in confusion. He looked like he'd gotten into a bad fight. "What the hell happened?"

Harry avoids my eyes, an angry look on face as he remains quiet. His nose is flared in anger, his jaw is clenched, defining his jawline and his eyebrows are furrowed in a frustratingly manner.

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