Chapter 7: Formula

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"Christian get off him" Shouted Mary. "You're killing him."

"Christian, please stop" said Jake, barely getting his words out because he was almost unconscious.

Mary kept trying to pull or push Christian off of Jake and Mary kept getting thrown aside like she was nothing. Christian was treating her like she was a fly that wouldn't leave him alone. Mary kit him with things, used all her strength the try and yang him free but nothing seemed to work. Christian was just too strong. Lu wasn't having much luck either. She had been trying to stop the spell from continueing for a while but she wasn't able to get her hands free from the circle. Lu thought and thought of ways she could break the bond but it was a bit difficult to do anything when her hands were preoccupied. Then, like a train appearing at the station, an idea popped into Lu's head. Tabitha always says that you have to believe you can harness magic to actually harness it. So what if all Lu had to do to break the chain was believe she could. Lu couldn't help but think that was a bit cliche but it was the only option she currently had.

Lu stopped saying and focusing on the spell, closed her eyes and instead focused on repressing her powers. She tried to think of literally anything else that wasn't magic. She thought about her dad, Mary, the university, her favorite and least favorite things to do with her friends. However, the thought that finally broke her free was the thought of Jake. Apart from her dad and her friendship with Mary, Jake was the most important thing in her life and he always would be. Even when she didn't realise it, he was always there for her and she finally knew that that was what she needed. The most simple thing being the most important thing. The thing that, even in weird situations like this, helped her get what she needed. Lu opened her eyes, looked down and saw that she was no longer holding hands with anyone. She smiled and felt proud of herself. However, that relief was short lived because when Lu looked up she saw that everyone was looking at her. Lu had got what she wanted but she may have just exposed her true motives to the rest of the Coven.

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"Lu, I have to say, you're acting very strange" said Tabitha, walking over to Lu and standing uncomfortably close.

"What do you mean?" Asked Lu quickly.

"Well for one, you juts broke the circle and ended the spell" answered Tabitha. "You could even say some of you're most recent actions have been suspicious."

"I wouldn't say that" said Lu, trying to not make eye contact with any of the people looking at her. "I've just been thinking too much, that's all."

"Oh really?" Said Tabitha, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep" replied Lu, smiling innocently.

"Well" said Tabitha. "Let's see if that's true then."

"What?" Replied Lu, concerned.

Before Lu could fully process what Tabitha had implied, Tabitha was placing both her hands on either sides of Lu's head and holding it in place. Tabitha then started to mumble something and her eyes rolled into the back of her head until they were completely white. Lu struggled and tried to get loose but whatever Tabitha was doing wasn't going to let her free. Suddenly, Lu stopped moving and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. All the other Coven members watched as Tabitha proceeded to read Lu's mind.

"What is she doing?" Asked Ciara. "We have to stop her."

"Don't you even try it" said Steven, lifting a knife and pointing it at Ciara.

Tabitha and Lu stood still, Tabitha still mumbling a spell, for another couple of minutes. The mind reading stopped when Tabitha released Lu's head from her grasp and their pupils reappeared. Lu rubbed her head because she now had a headache. She guessed that's what would happen if someone goes rooting around through your thoughts. Lu then looked at Tabitha who was just stood staring back at her with a smile on her face.

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