Chapter 2: Lightning Bolt

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"Auntie Tabitha."

"How have you been, little one?" Asked Tabitha, cupping Lu's face.

"I've been alright. You?" Said Lu, closing the door and leading Tabitha into the house.

"I've been good" said Tabitha. "I heard about what happened here last year and I thought I should come visit."

"Well I'm glad you did. It was scary but we made it through alright" replied Lu. "I heard you went traveling again."

"I did indeed. I should show you the pictures"said Tabitha.

"I'd love to see them" replied Lu, smiling.

Tabitha and Lu sat down at the dining table after Tabitha had said "hello" to her brother, Lu's dad. Tabitha got a photo album out of her bag and started going through all the pictures, explaining where she was in every single one of them. Tabitha had been to Greece, Italy, Brazil and a lot of others places too. Lu was fascinated by all the pictures, wishing she had also been able to go. Lu also noticed that a face kept appearing in all the different countries and towns. It was the face of a man who had white skin and white hair. He was just above average height and if you squinted your eyes, he would sort of look like a skeleton.

"Who's that?" Asked Lu. "He's always there with you but I don't ever remember meeting him."

"That's my assistant Steven. He always comes traveling with me and he's very loyal" answered Tabitha.

"He looks a bit creepy" said Lu, a shiver running through her.

"He can be but once you get to know him he's very nice" replied Tabitha.

"Auntie Tabitha, why do you go to all these places?" Wondered Lu. "A lot of them don't really seem like tourist hotspots."

"I don't go to these places for a holiday" said Tabitha. "I go because the people that live there need saving."

"Saving from what?" Asked Lu, feeling a bit concerned.

"Vampires" answered Tabitha, pausing for a while before speaking. "Your father wouldn't want me telling you about all this stuff because he doesn't believe it's real."

"Probably because it isn't" said Lu, trying to act dumb.

"I know you know that isn't true. You believe there are things out there that shouldn't be" replied Tabitha.

"Alright, I'll bite" said Lu, carrying on her act. "How do you help the people in those towns?"

"I'll show you" replied Tabitha. "Come somewhere with me tomorrow and you can also find out how you can help as well."

Lu thought about Tabitha's offer for a little while, not knowing whether to take it or not. Obviously Lu knew that vampires and other supernatural or magic creatures did exist but after what happened last year, she didn't know if she wanted to get involved with that world again. However, then Lu thought about what Tabitha's offer could mean. It could mean protection for her family and friends if that world ever got out of hand again.

"Alright" said Lu. "You've peaked my interest."

- • -

The next day, Mary was still at Max's house. Whoever Nate had called still hadn't arrived and now Mary was nervous to meet them as well. She was nervous because Max had told her most of Nate's friends or associates are either complete psychopaths or are the least helpful people you could ever possibly meet. Mary wondered why Nate would even bother sending anyone if they were just going to be useless. However, she then realised that the situation must be really serious if Nate was willing to call for help. It's true Mary had only met Nate a couple more times since she had gone to his club but she felt like she knew who he was and how he thought.

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