"I've only known Frenchie for a day and a half," Brooklyn says in a matter-of-factly tone of voice, Butcher waved off her comment as he watches someone start to tell off some kids who were fighting over at the ping-pong table. 

"And you love 'im already, don'tcha?" 

Brooklyn shrugged. "Meh." 

Butcher pulled Brooklyn aside to hide behind the door that was closed. The person that would be coming in wouldn't see them at all unless if they turned around. "Watch this..." Butcher says softly to the girl, she rose an eyebrow as the door opened and a man with dark colored skin in a navy blue uniform opens the door. 

He turns around and when he sees Butcher, the man wiggles his eyebrows with a wide grin that makes Brooklyn snicker. "Oh, hell nah. What the fuck do you want?" the man walks towards his desk and Brooklyn just gives Butcher a look that says 'another one of your friends?' and Butcher just rolls his eyes in annoyance as he shoves her away playfully by placing his hand on her face and pushing her back as he walked towards his old friend. 

"What, I can't visit me old mate? Rekindle the unbreakable bonds of brothers-in-arms?" 

"Nope!" the man exclaims as he popped the 'p'. 

Butcher whines a bit at his answer. "Come on, M.M.!" 

"M.M.?" Brooklyn whispers in question, wondering what Butcher's friends name meant. 

Butcher, being his lovely self, just aggravates M.M. even further as he walks out from the corner of the room with his arms out wide asking for a hug. "C'mon M.M., bring it in."

M.M. just leans back in his chair and shakes his hands back-and-forth as if to clear the air in the room. "Look, if it's all the same, let's just cut the small talk. All you're gonna do is lie and say how you're doing fine, and I'm gonna lie and pretend like I'm happy to see you." Brooklyn snickered at that last part because Butcher is still standing in front of his friends desk with his arms wide open, still looking for that hug. "Why are you here? And who's that girl with you?" 

Before Butcher could answer, Brooklyn decided to make a good first impression on this man. "Hi, uh, I'm Brooklyn." well that's all she could come up with, he wasn't scary it was just that Brooklyn wasn't good at meeting new people. Or being forced to go meet new people. She only got along with Frenchie the first time they met because—well, actually she didn't know. It was one of those weird connections that went really well. She didn't know who M.M. was, but she knew he was a good man if he wanted to work in a place like this to help kids better themselves. It was just that he seemed to be in a pissy mood already with Butcher. 

"Nice to meet you," M.M. did shake her hand though, wondering why someone like her was rolling around with a guy like Billy Butcher. He didn't question it though. "Now, why are you here?" he wasn't asking that to Brooklyn, but he was aiming it at Butcher. 

Butcher answers, sounding a little defeated that he didn't get a long-time-no-see-brother hug. "All right. How'd you like to come back, have another go?" 

"Mm-mm," M.M. laughed at that as he kept it also sounding like a 'no' already. "No, sir. Keep it to yourself. What? You dragging rando's from the street now?" 

"I'm actually his neighbor." Butcher mentally face palms himself but she was right. 

"I don't want to know nothing about nothing." M.M. didn't seem to care about Brooklyn's answer, well he cared for her well-being but that was besides the point. "I'm a happy man now. Life is good!" exclaimed M.M., "Monique is back, we're good, just—" 

"—Oh, yeah? How is Monique?" Butcher makes the conversation seem natural until M.M. gives him an answer. 

"Spits on the ground every time your name comes up." M.M. answers flatly, "I can't do that to her again, man. Not to mention, I'm actually making progress with these boys." Brooklyn jumps when she hears shouting bouncing off the windows from the recreational room across M.M.'s office, M.M. noticed the girls reaction and looks outside the window and knocks on it to gain the boys attention. "DON'T MAKE ME COME OUT THERE!" M.M. shouts at the boys from his office, making Brooklyn jump once again at the loudness of his voice. Butcher nudges her in the shoulder, letting her know everything was okay. There was a reason why this guys nickname had the word 'Mother' in it. 

With a sigh, Butcher looks out the window again and watches as the boys in the other room try to get along with each other. "Well, this is God's work. I can't argue with that. But a man of your talents? Wasted here." 

"Look, Butcher, we were into some bad shit, man." M.M. says, his tone getting darker, making Brooklyn wonder if sticking around was a good thing. Hearing someone tell Butcher what they did was obviously, very clearly, wrong, was making Brooklyn wonder if there was ever a voice in the back of Butchers head that told him to stop doing what he was doing. "Even before the Mallory stuff... and that, that was... if I'm gonna make a difference, I just feel more comfortable doing it on a smaller scale." Brooklyn smiles but her stomach churns at the thought of whatever happened to this Mallory character; whatever happened to them that made M.M. want to go this route and live this way of life now. "I'm a motherfucker with a heart," at that minute Brooklyn immediately knew she could trust M.M. if they ran into each other. "Whereas you? You're just a motherfucker who got your next door neighbor wrapped up into our old shit lifestyle." 

Brooklyn looks up at Butcher to see what he would say next. If he would say anything at all anyways. "Funny you should mention making a difference..." 

"Butcher..." Brooklyn lets out a groan, dragging a hand over her face as she wishes he hadn't said anything and just left it there. 

"...'cause we just dusted a Supe." 

M.M. gave Butcher an appropriate answer. "Bullshit." 

"Translucent," Butcher confirms and Brooklyn nodded. When M.M. watched the girl nod in confirmation, he rose an eyebrow. 

"What the fu..." gasped M.M. in shock, honestly no-one had ever heard of anyone killing a Supe. If you did, your ass would get executed. To be honest? Brooklyn still can't believe that Hughie was the one who killed Translucent in the first place. 

"I was there, I saw the aftermath. It wasn't pretty." 

If someone as innocent looking as Brooklyn was there to confirm that Butcher was telling the truth, M.M. knew that this was real. He hated to admit it, but M.M. was lowkey enthusiastic that Butcher managed to do what he had just did. "Well, come on, you lime-sucking smart-ass!" he exclaims excitedly, "How the hell did you do it?" 

"Ass bomb." Brooklyn answered, earning a confused look from M.M.

Butcher shakes his head but continued to explain what Brooklyn meant. "Well..." Butcher drawled, "...she ain't wrong. Big lump of C-4 packed right up his fudger. Boom. Claret everywhere, fucking diabolical. But before the fireworks, he coughed up a solid lead. Spilled the beans in a big way..."




a/n ;; sorry for not updating in a while, it's been a crazy few weeks and i'm starting the last leg of my final semester of college tomorrow — semester ends December 13th tho — and I'm just trying my best at school rather than updating throughout the day. that's why all my updates are at night. 

i also realized that i need brooklyn to talk more and have more original lines like in the earlier chapters but meh.

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