Chapter One | Killian

Start from the beginning

"There," Killian snapped, "You've finally figured it out." As he padded across the room, Killian could feel the cold wood flooring on his bare feet. He had to be as quiet as possible, it was too early for people to be traipsing up and about. Killian plopped down on the bed, crossing his arms. Narrowing his eyes and leaning forwards, he gently set the back of his hand against Jasper's forehead. "I'll have to go out and gather some more chamomile. Your temperature is up again."

Jasper let out an exasperated sigh and fixed Killian with a pointed look, "Maybe because I'm in the direct path of sunlight?" He said, gesturing towards the window. An amused spark lit up in his crystalline eyes as he quickly added, "Honestly kid, I'm fine. My fever broke a while ago." He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully, "But...tea wouldn't be so bad anyways."

Carefully making sure to avoid Jasper's wound, Killian shoved his shoulder playfully. "Alright dumbass," He growled. "Just why would I go out of my way for you? You know the others are already on my ass constantly and giving me more work to do." Jasper just looked up at him with a hopeful, pleading stare. Killian attempted to counter it by summoning the coldest glare he could possibly muster, but eventually, Jasper won. Cracking a smile, Killian relented, "Alright. Fine."

Jasper's smug smile faded away as he said, "Be careful." His tone was soft, almost like the sunlight itself. "Those biters in the woods are getting more and more restless. I know you'd hate it, but at least take Aubrey with you." There was an almost pleading edge to Jasper's voice that Killian couldn't help but listen to. It was tempting to go along with what the other man said, but he managed to shoot Jasper a withering glare and look away before he could change his mind. Jasper's large, calloused hand was gentle as he forced Killian to look him in the eyes. "Killian," He added more sternly, "I just got you back a month ago. I'm not letting you go again."

Not letting him go? As if Jasper had the option to let him go in the first place. Killian had made his own decision to stay with Jackson, it wasn't as if he'd been leashed to Jasper like a dog. Not being able to hide the quivering anger in his voice Killian said, "You almost killed yourself."

"I stood in front of an injured man." 

"With a gun pointed straight at you!"

"I'd do it again."

That silenced Killian, leaving him glaring down at the bed sheets. Damnit. Why was Jasper like this? Could he not be selfish for once and ignore his dispositioned heroics? Jasper one again lifted Killian's chin, "No more arguing, okay?" He said, "No man gets left behind. So that means no dying, for either of us."

Despite all the resentment Killian harbored towards Jasper for putting himself in harms way, Killian still couldn't be mad at him. Barely being able to stop his lips from twitching into a small smile Killian muttered, "Fine. But don't look at me, stupid. I'm still trying to be mad at you."

"Hey kid," A sharp voice halted their conversation when another person walked into the room. Killian's muscles stiffened, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as Casimir fixed him with a sharp glare. "Are you going hunting or not? We need breakfast. It's not gonna cook itself. Get to work," those piercing, intense green eyes seemed to see right through him. "Haven't we told you that you're not supposed to be in here alone with him?" Casimir added, nodding to Jasper.

To Killian's pleasant surprise, Jasper rolled his eyes in response. "Honestly Casimir, I think I can handle myself if this one gets too fierce." He then quickly followed it up, "Maybe it's all of you who have the problem with him." Jasper shrugged, "I don't see how he's a traitor. But if you insist on it, then I suppose I'm traitorous myself for having a deceitful friend."

Secretly enjoying the tense conversation going on between Casimir and Jasper, Killian was reluctant to leave for his one-man hunting patrol. The smug look Casimir gave him made Killian's gut twist sickeningly, leaving him with clenched fists, but nothing to take his anger out on. "Hey, you."

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