Chapter 19- Crashed Wedding

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"Father," Xingchen said walking into his parent's bedroom, "can I talk to you?"
"Of course, what do you need?" The man asked.
"I'm gay," Xingchen said, getting straight to the point.
"I'm sorry?" His father asked standing up slowly.
Xingchen took a shaky breath, "I-I'm gay."
His father raised a hand and a loud sound echoed around the room. Xingchen felt his cheek burn and tears came to his eyes, he looked up at the man who he once called father.
"No son of mine will ever be gay," the king said.
Xingchen laughed weakly, "Well too bad I already am."
"No you're not, you are going through a phase," his father said.
"I'm not going through a phase!" Xingchen yelled, "I love a man and you can't change that! Yes he hurt me multiple times but it was your fault since the very beginning! You're the one who made the arranged marriage, and he got upset because I said yes! But I never wanted to marry her!"
The king raised an arm again but stopped, he let his hand drop and said in a low voice, "You are no son of mine. You will marry the princess and you can't do anything about it."
Xingchen huffed and walked out of the room. He ran to his own and locked the door, he fell on his bed and cried softly, "Damn him," he whispered.

It was the day of the wedding and everyone was going crazy. Xingchen was tired of arguing with his parents, Song Lan was upset of Xingchen crying all night long, Wei Ying was getting mad at the king and queen, and Xue Yang was eager to crash the wedding.
Song Lan was with Xingchen as the man quickly got ready for his wedding, "Your majesty, do you need help with your tie?"
"Yes, here," Xingchen handed Song Lan his tie and let the man tie it for him.
"Are you nervous?" Song Lan asked while he worked.
"Of course I am," Xingchen said, "it's my first time getting married, who wouldn't be."
"Didn't you say that you would've liked getting married to Chengmei?" Song Lan asked as he finished.
Xingchen's breath hitched, "I mean...I would've. But he didn't want to so I guess I just have to simply move on."
"You don't have to if you don't want to," Song Lan said adjusting the man's suit, "if you'd like, you can say who you want to get married to and your parents might agree."
Xingchen smiled and shook his head, "No, they killed a lot of couples. I don't want that to happen to Chengmei."
Song Lan hummed and took a step back, "You look very handsome, your majesty."
"Thank you, now let's go," Xingchen walked out of the room with Song Lan trailing behind him. They met walked down the isle and went up front, Song Lan stood in the middle and Xingchen stood on the man's left.
They watched as soon Princess Mingmei walked down the isle in a beautiful white dress. She held a bundle of flowers in her hands and walked with great delicacy.
She walked up to Xingchen and smiled, "Are you ready?"
"I guess so," Xingchen replied. They faced each other and Song Lan spoke.
"We're all gathered here to celebrate the relationship of Princess Mingmei and Prince Xingchen, and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment," he looked around quickly and saw Xue Yang standing in the back with Wei Yin, he continued, "they share with one another. Together, we're a group of the most important people in their lives and they've brought us here to publically recognize that we've all played some special part in the love they share today.
"Princess Mingmei and Prince Xingchen wanted me to thank you all for being here especially those who have played an important part in their relationship. Princess Mingmei and Prince Xingchen, the vows you are about to make are a way to share your love and commitment to each other. These vows are your way of openly declaring your promise to one another as well as to all of those who are in attendance here today."
Mingmei took a paper from her bridesmaid's hand and read it out loud. Once she finished she looked at Xingchen with expectant eyes.
Xingchen took out a piece of paper out of his pocket and read it out loud, "Princess Mingmei, I have loved you since the moment I saw your smile and laugh. It was beautiful and my day was immediately better the moment I saw it. Being around you made me feel comfortable and safe and happy no matter what the situation was. I remember the time we talked in the garden about flowers and about what they meant, and the time we went to a small café in disguise. All of these moments were wonderful and I wish to have many more with you, I would like to live the rest of my life with you and make you the happiest woman alive," he finished his speech and looked at the woman with cold eyes.
Song Lan smiled, "Now Princess Mingmei and Prince Xingchen will exchange rings in honor of their love. Princess Mingmei please take Prince Xingchen's hand and repeat after me." Mingmei nodded and took Xingchen's hand in her own. Song Lan continued, "I give you this ring as a symbol of our love."
"I give you this ring as a symbol of our love," the woman's repeated.
"For today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come."
"For today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come."
"Wear it as a sign of what we promised this day."
"Wear it as a sign of what we promised this day."
"And know that my love is present, even when I am not," Song Lan finished.
"And know that my love is present, even when I am not," Mingmei said.
Xingchen did the exact same thing and soon Song Lan came to the part that everyone has been waiting for.
"If there is anyone who thinks these two should not get married speak now or forever remain silent," Song Lan said. He looked in the back and saw Wei Ying was gone and Xue Yang stepping forward.
"I do not think they should get married!" Xue Yang announced. Everybody gasped, he smirked and walked up to Xingchen, "First of all, this is a one sided love. Prince Xingchen does not love Princess Mingmei, although the princess loves him."
Xingchen grabbed his arm, "Chengmei, what are you doing?"
"What I should've done a long time ago," Xue Yang said smiling. He turned to the crowd, "I am pleased to say that I am in love with Prince Xingchen!"
"What?!" Everyone yelled in sync.
"And he loves me," Xue Yang finished turning to Xingchen, "right?"
Xingchen had tears in his eyes as he punched Xue Yang's shoulder, "Yes you idiot, I always did." Xue Yang smiled and pulled Xingchen into a sweet kiss, Xingchen jumped and wrapped his legs around the man's waist and smiled into the kiss.
Song Lan smiled at the scene and saw the king and queen turning the corner, he pulled the two men apart quickly and said, "They're coming." The men jumped back away from each other and smiled.
"What happened to the wedding?" Xingchen's mother asked.
"Me and Princess Mingmei decided that we are better off as friends, right Princess?" Xingchen said turning to the woman who faked a smile.
"Yeah, I realized that I never truly love Prince Xingchen and I think it's better if we remain as friends," Mingmei said.
The queen sighed, "If you both agree then I can't say anything about it can I? Well, I guess we can find someone else for Xingchen."
Xue Yang smiled and nodded at Mingmei who nodded back, he was grateful that she went along with the lie.

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