Chapter 4- Assistant

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"Xingchen! Are you there? Wake up!" Xingchen's eyes fluttered open at the sound of yelling and pounding at the door. He looked around and saw Xue Yang standing next to the door, fully dressed, with a knife in hand.
"Chengmei!" Xingchen whisper yelled, "Come back here! Let me handle it!"
Xue Yang thought for a moment then nodded, he walked to Xingchen and threw him his clothes, "Get dressed first."
"Ok, now sit down," Xingchen said and quickly dressed himself trying to ignore Xue Yang's eyes on his body, mainly his ass.
Xue Yang bit his lip and smirked at the sight in front of him, he was tempted to pounce on the man but held himself back. He looked at the door instead and tried to not throw the knife.
"Come in!" Xingchen yelled once he finished dressing himself. His mother barged in with a couple of guards behind her.
"Xingchen, my baby, what happened to you? You didn't answer me when I called for you! I even brought the guards to break down your door," the woman fussed.
"Mama, I'm fine," Xingchen said gently, "I was sleeping, yesterday was a big day and I needed to rest."
"I guess your right," she said, then noticed Xue Yang, "who are you? And what are you doing in my son's room?"
"I'm just a friend of his, we met last night and he invited me to talk for a bit. He fell asleep while we were talking and I just decided to keep watch and make sure he didn't have any nightmares," Xue Yang said, he was used to lying so making up a story was easy.
"Xingchen is that true?" the woman asked.
      "Yes, he's telling the truth," Xingchen said, "and also, Chengmei I apologize for sleeping in the middle of our conversation. It was very disrespectful of me," he bowed to the man.
      "It's alright, you were tired because of everything we did," Xue Yang smirked at the man who blushed furiously.
     "Alright, well since you two know each other I have an idea. Xingchen me and your father were planning on giving you an assistant but we didn't want to give you someone you didn't know. So why doesn't Xue Chengmei become your assistant?" The woman asked.
    "What?!" The two men yelled. They looked at each other and Xue Yang internally panicked, I'm supposed to kill him and go! I can't become his assistant right now.
    "Uh Mama, Chengmei is from a place farther up north. Are you sure his parents would agree to this?" Xingchen asked.
     "Oh it's fine," she said, "he can send a letter to his parents and stay here. Now you two get ready, Xingchen let him borrow some of your clothes," and without another word the woman left the room with her guards.
    Xingchen turned to Xue Yang, "What are we going to do?"
    "Uh I could just kill you and leave?" Xue Yang suggested.
     "No! No killing! Bad Xue Yang!" Xingchen said angrily.
     "You talk to me as if I'm some sort of dog," Xue Yang complained. 
      "Sorry, but seriously what are we going to do? They don't know who you are and I know that you don't have parents up in the north," Xingchen said.
     Xue Yang ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know, but for now until I figure out a plan I can just send a letter to Boss and tell him what's going on. I can stay for a while and be your assistant before I leave."
    "That works, now let's get dressed," Xingchen took his clothes off and when to his closet.
     Xue Yang saw him and smirked, "Hey do you want to have another quickie?"
     "Wait what? No, not now," Xingchen said.
     "Yeah well too bad," Xue Yang said and grabbed Xingchen's waist pulling him back.

     Xingchen walked side by side with Xue Yang limping. He saw a few maids and servants talking about him and glared at them, they quickly stopped and went back to their work. He turned around and saw Xue Yang smirking, "Stop it."
    "I'm not doing anything," Xue Yang said.
    Xingchen scoffed, "Fine, then help me walk." Xue Yang rolled his eyes but nodded and let Xingchen grab onto his arm.
    They went to found Xingchen's mother talking with a few maids and went to her, "Mother, we're here," Xingchen said as they got closer.
    "Oh, wonderful," she said, "I need Chengmei to fill in a few papers and then he will officially be your assistant." She handed a stack of papers to Xue Yang with a smile.
    "Thank you, your majesty," Xue Yang said, bowing. 
     "It's my pleasure, now go fill those out and I'll have someone show you your room and your uniform," the woman said.
     "Follow me," a guard said. Xue Yang nodded and followed the man who led him to a room, "This is your room and the uniform is on the bed, and by the way my name is Song Lan."
     "Nice to meet you Song Lan, I'm Xue Chengmei. And thank you for showing me my room," Xue Yang said smiling.
    "No problem, if you need anything just as someone and I'll most likely be following you around for the first day just so you know what to do," Song Lan said.
    "Alright, thank you," Xue Yang said and walked to the bed in the middle of the room. Song Lan walked away and once Xue Yang was sure he was gone he looked around for a paper and pen. He found some and quickly wrote a letter, he then opened the window and whistled. A bird came flying in and Xue Yang tied the letter to it's foot, "Go and give this to Wen Qing," he said. The bird flew away and Xue Yang watched it disappear into the light, he turned back and walked back to the bed.
     He grabbed the uniform and looked at it, it was very elegant. He sighed, and grabbed the papers. He began writing the answers to the questions, making most of them up, he made sure to give enough information for them to know a bit about him but not enough for them to know too much.
     Xue Yang finished after several hours and sat the paper down on the nightstand, he laid in the comfortable bed and looked at the ceiling. When could he go home? When could he see his friends? When could he leave? But the real question was...did he even want to leave?

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