Chapter 11- Friends

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The noise stopped and Xue Yang ran to his room, keeping his tears at bay. He got to his room and shut the door, locking it. He laid in bed and cried into his pillow, he couldn't believe that Xingchen had just done that.
He was going to apologize but now he didn't know if he should. Xue Yang grabbed a piece if paper and pen and wrote a note, he went to his window and whistled. A bird came flying down and he tied the note to it's leg, "Take this to Wen Qing."
The bird flew away and he returned to the bed with tears rolling down his face. He heard a knock ion his door and wiped his tears, "Who is it?"
"Chengmei, it's us," it was Wei Ying. He and his siblings had just arrived and he noticed the man wasn't up and runnin about.
"Oh, come in," Xue Yang said and laid down sideways. The three siblings walked in and Yanli was the first to notice his tear stained cheeks.
"Chengmei, have you been crying?" She asked.
"No, of course not. Do you need anything?" Xue Yang said.
"Now that I think of it, you do look a bit off," Wei Ying said, "are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm fine," Xue Yang's voice trembled slightly.
Jiang Cheng got closer and saw the man's red eyes, "You were crying, stop lying to us."
"Fine! I was, and guess why," Xue Yang didn't even give them the chance to answer, "because of Xingchen."
"Why? What happened? Has he been stressing you out too much? I can break his legs if you want," Jiang Cheng said cracking his knuckles.
"No it's alright, just quarrels," Xue Yang said.
"Well you can't be lying here all day so get up," Wei Ying said pulling the man's arm.
"A-Xian, A-Cheng, calm down. Don't pressure him," Yanli said, "but Chengmei, they have a point you do have to get up."
"Fine," Xue Yang said and stood up, "now what?"
Yanli smiled, "Now we go for a walk." They were walking down the halls when Xue Yang froze, in front if him was a sight he wished he never saw. Xingchen had Mingmei pushed up a wall and was kissing her softly, Xue Yang pushed the siblings behind a random door and cleared his throat.
"Your majesty, the queen requests you presence," Xue Yang said.
Xingchen pushed Mingmei away at the voice and his eyes widened, "Chengmei! It's not what you think it is! I promise!"
"The queen is waiting for you, your majesty, after you," Xue Yang stepped to the side and Xingchen walked past him whispering an 'I'm sorry.'
Mingmei was smiling smugly and Xue Yang looked at her confused, "What are you smiling about? It was just a kiss, anyone could've kissed him. Don't think that you are special."
"Well, I am the first to have sex with him," she said proudly.
"Are you though? Because I remember quite well that he had sex with someone on the night of the Masquerade Ball," Xue Yang said chuckling, "so yeah you aren't special." The woman walked away with a huff and he let out a breath of relief.
The Jiang siblings came out of the room he had pushed them in and Wei Ying laughed, "Wow! I never knew you could be so sassy Chengmei."
"It must've been hard," Yanli said softly.
"Tell me about it," Xue Yang said leaning back on a wall sadly, "you try watching the person you love kiss another person. Yes I am talking about Prince Xingchen."
Their jaws dropped, "You love Prince Xingchen?!"
Xue Yang shushed them, "Shhh, be quiet anyone could hear."
"Sorry," Jiang Cheng said, "but how?"
"When I told Princess Mingmei that someone had sex with Xingchen on the night of the Masquerade Ball, I was talking about me. I had sex with him that night and a couple more times," Xue Yang explained, "so technically I wasn't lying."
"Chengmei you are a very daring person," Wei Ying said, "but why was he with cousin a second ago?"
"That I do not know, but I'm used to it. I had plenty of other lovers that left me," Xue Yang said smiling bitterly.
"Just because you're used to something doesn't make it any less bad for you," Yanli said, "you can't keep this up. You need to tell him what you feel."
"I did, but he said he had to marry her. And then when he tried to come to me again I pushed him away like the idiot I am. I regret it now and I want to apologize, but it looks like he doesn't want me anymore, maybe I was meant to alone forever," Xue Yang said with tears in his eyes.
"Chengmei look at me," Wei Ying said grabbing onto the man's shoulders, "you are not an idiot. You were hurt and it's reasonable, and you are not meant to be alone forever, nobody is and nobody should. Even if you can't be with him you have us, you have friends that care about you and we will never leave you."
"That's what he said," Xue Yang said sadly.
"I don't care about what he said, I'm telling you this as a different person. We will not leave you alone, we might leave physically but mentally we will always be here," Wei Ying said. "We have to make sure that cousin and Prince Xingchen don't get married because who knows what will happen if they do. Now I want you to tell me, what are you going to do?"
Xue Yang nodded and wiped his tears, he had a determined look his eyes, "Let's go crash this wedding."
"That's what I'm talking about!" Wei Ying cheered, "Song Lan is going to marry the two, not that he wants to but anyways, we can ask him for help."
"No it's fine, I can do it myself," Xue Yang said, "I have an idea."

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