Chapter 17- Date Mess

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   Xue Yang was walking down the halls when he saw Xingchen talking to Song Lan, he went over and faked a smile, "Is there anything else I can do?"
    "Chengmei, yes I need you to go get the invitations and bring them to me," Song Lan said, "I need to get those sorted out."
    "Alright," Xue Yang said and walked away. They were preparing for the wedding that was going to happen in a couple of days. He, of course, wasn't all that happy but he had a plan. Would he ever tell anyone that plan? No, of course not. But he hoped that it would work.
     He was almost to the room when he was pulled back by someone, he was about to turn around and hit them when he heard the voice, "Chengmei, it's me."
    It was Wei Ying, "You scared the hell out if me," Xue Yang said sighing, "what do you need?"
    "I need you to take this to the park a couple of blocks over. There's a path somewhere near the playground and it should lead you to a forest, go into the forest and take a left when you're around 8 minutes in. Keep walking forward until to get to a big field, you should see my sister there," Wei Ying explained and gave the man a basket.
"Uh why me?" Xue Yang asked, "I'm a bit busy right now, you know with wedding stuff."
"I can take care of that, you take this to my sister," Wei Ying said and walked away without saying anything else.
Xue Yang sighed, I have too much on my plate don't I? He walked outside the castle and went to the nearby park. He looked around and finally saw a playground, he walked over to it and found a small path near the slide.
He walked on the path and soon came across a group if trees. He looked at the towering figures and the blue sky, he gazed at the sky for a couple of minutes before continuing. He was walking for a couple of more minutes when he turned left, he walked forward and saw a big field in the distance. He ran and saw a few big trees scattered in the field, he saw flowers here and there and the sun touched the green grass.
"Xue Yang!" A voice called. The said man turned around and saw Xingchen, he tilted his head as the man neared him.
"Xingchen, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"I'm here to talk to Princess Yanli," he replied, "what about you?"
"Me too...wait who sent you?" Xue Yang asked.
"Wei Wuxian, why?" Xingchen asked.
"That motherfu-"
"Shhh! Don't say that!" Xingchen said covering the man's mouth.
Xue Yang bit Xingchen's hand, "He set us up!" He said.
Xingchen winced at the bite and cradled his hand, "Why'd you bite me?!"
"Because it was on my mouth," Xue Yang said.
"Fine, but don't call him that," Xingchen said.
Xue Yang scoffed, "Fine, but what are we supposed to do now?"
"Uhh," Xingchen looked down at the basket, "we can eat."
Xue Yang blinked, "Sure, let's just eat the food that's supposed to be for the princess."
"Aren't I your princess though?" Xingchen asked almost inaudibly.
"I mean you were until you chose to marry that bitch over me," Xue Yang bitterly said.
"I didn't want to alright!" Xingchen said exasperated.
"Sure you didn't," Xue Yang said, he tossed the basket softly on the grass in front of Xingchen, "take it."
"What about you?" Xingchen asked.
"I'm leaving, it seems that we still aren't on the best terms. And honestly, I've been thinking about it and I don't think I ever loved you," Xue Yang said. He felt a pang in his heart, but this was all a part of the plan.
"B-but, why now?!" Xingchen asked.
"Because I only realized it a while ago. I was planning on telling you but I was a bit busy," Xue Yang said.
"So you never loved me? All those kisses and hugs and nights, they meant nothing," Xingchen felt his knees shaky and fell to the ground, "I can't believe it, you just lied to me and played with my feelings." He had tears rolling down his face and he was digging his nails into his thighs.
"I apologize, but I think it is best for us to remain as assistant and prince," Xue Yang said and walked away. Once he was out of eyeshot he looked back with teary, bloodshot eyes and whispered, "I love you." He walked to the castle leaving Xingchen alone.
Xingchen was bawling his eyes out in the middle of the field. He cried hard, and it wasn't like a soft, pretty cry, it was a rough, ugly cry. He had tears streaming down his face and had saliva dribbling down his chin, he was sweaty and had hair sticking to his face. His eyes were red and puffy, he looked like an overall mess.
Out of the trees came Song Lan, he knew about Xue Yang's plan, he had also helped him with it. Song Lan walked to the crying man and kneeled in front of him, he pulled Xingchen into a tight embrace and let the man cry.
He knew what it was like to be heartbroken, he had gone through it before and never wished it upon anyone else. He soothingly rubbed Xingchen's back and whispered encouraging words.
They stayed together for almost an hour before Xingchen fully calmed down. He pulled back and smiled at Song Lan, "Thank you," he said weakly.
"It is no problem, I was once in your place," Song Lan said, "but I'm afraid we should get going."
"Yeah," Xingchen nodded and stood up with the help of Song Lan, "I have a wedding to plan don't I?" He stood up straight and proud, "We can't let anything get in between us and our duties."
"Of course, your majesty. Let us go," Song Lan picked up the basket and walked beside his prince, straight to the castle.

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