Chapter 86: Scarring Love

Start from the beginning

Neosa let her hands leave her mouth, squinting hard at his face and seeing half of the resemblance. "Is... is Ekani's Papa..."

For once, Ehit's smile dropped. He looked like a completely different person, like a dead fox. Ayanda reverted back to her dour look.

"Primal attack. It was just after she was born too. His name was Viraj. Good guy. Made Mā happy, especially after my Dā died, unfortunately..." He cursed and Ayanda sucked her teeth.

"It seems like life wants Mā to be a widow forever. I had to kill Viraj myself when a primal bit him. Ayanda carried Mā and Ekani who was a baby out of the area that got breached when it happened." Ehit placed a hand on Neosa's shoulder, squeezing it.

"Best not to bring it up to Ekani or Mā. Hmm? Especially Mā. She's already gone through enough. Ekani's still too young to really understand, but for now, I'm the closest thing she has to a father, along with my rocker here." His eyes galloped to meet Ayanda's and his foxy smile returned in full glory.

Ayanda merely shook her head but her mouth did twitch into a tiny smile.

Neosa's ears perked up at the sound of little feet running towards her.

"Ekani!" Neosa exclaimed as she held her.

"That's me!" Ekani shouted, looking at her brother and kissing him on the cheek, as well as Ayanda and waving at Musa, Kwakuu and Ramoth. She kissed Neosa on the cheek last before giving her a worried look all of a sudden.

"Did you beat your illness? Must I scare it away like I scare the guards?" She spoke fast like a rapid fire attack.

Neosa didn't know whether to laugh, be fearful or to praise her as she glanced at Ehit who grinned just as Ekani grinned. She definitely is his little sister.

"Mā?" Ehit asked, looking around.

"Mā's sleeping. I saw you all coming so I ran the miles of chances for this chance!" Ekani explained as she began touching Neosa like a rare specimen.

"How come you smell so good? Do I smell good too?" The light skin toned, sandy brown eyed and shiny black haired girl sniffed herself, wearing a cream-coloured dress.

Neosa only giggled and sniffed her back, only to recoil with a mocking look of disgust as she stuck her tongue out. "Sies, did you bath girlie?" She teased in the same way she would tease Suleng back in Petora.

Ekani's face sank and her eyes grew big, which made Neosa laugh very hard. If her laughter was a flower, then Ekani bloomed as the little girl laughed as well.

When Neosa looked at Ramoth again, he stood next to Musa, whispering into his ear, still smirking. Musa gave him an odd look and sighed, rubbing his temples like he had received troubling news.

"Neokie." The hair on her body jumped as she stiffened like wood at the sound of Ramoth's silky voice. When she looked at him anxiously, her throat tightened.

He wore his usual clothing consisting of baggy harem pants, fingerless black gloves, black socks leaving his toes and heels open, an open vest jacket, smiley face and crying face earrings along with other opulent jewelry. The humidity complemented his skin tremendously like an expertly polished trophy.

"You say you want to fly like a superstar?" Ramoth asked, his smirk glowed this time and his gaze left her wide open. He whistled and Mekal soon appeared with a carpet in his mouth. The werehyena cackled to Neosa. "Have fun."

Neosa didn't communicate back as her eyes were glued on...

Her answer came to her with several memories of Ramoth and Ramela, when they used to hover around together when they were younger, only to stop after they had turned fourteen years of age.

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