Chapter 15:2

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Drops of sweat fell down the faces of the twins as they launched themselves from the ground, cracking the dirt in a full out sprint.

Both moved in opposing directions to create a storm of dust around Kakara. Running and running in circles at high speeds, barely visible to the common people, with the forming dust cloud clouding their vision.

Genesia looked across to see Kakara, maintaining her position steadily with her eyes closed. You could at least open your damn eyes at us! He berated, feeling like he had gotten slapped in the face.

Genesia swiftly changed direction midway and propelled himself directly at her, about to land a hit head on her. However—

The second he saw her eyes open, he froze like a block of ice and quickly pulled himself back by performing several jumps away from her to get some distance.

Asemi, what the hell did she do? Actually a better question is how did she do nothing yet still managed to push me back? Or did I just push myself back out of fear? Genesia could feel his hands trembling from odd exhilaration and genuine terror. Dammit! And this feeling just won't go away!

While her attention was fixed on Genesia, Neosa had already changed her circular sprint into a linear dash, going on the offensive behind her instead of head on. Got you!

Or so she thought.

This time, Kakara simply turned her head back to pierce Neosa with her eyes.

Hai! Neosa squealed internally.

Like her brother, she stopped mid attack, and side jumped away from Kakara to join her brother's side.

"Wait what just happened? Why'd they pull back?"

"They were about to land hits and all she did was just look at them."

"Did she do something to them?"

"No, right now she's all in their heads. They can't do shit against her yet."



The crowd was intrigued, just from the first little play of the fight, still on the mental scale, not yet landing on the physical.

"Yoah yoah yoah! You feel that?" Neosa said, panting.

"Ah..." Genesia replied, sweating and shaking his hands to get some blood stirring in them.

With the storm of dust no longer acting as a visual distraction, Kakara ran her fingers through her wild and curly hair, brushing off particles of dust and sand.

"..." Ever silent, she continued to just stare at them with a vacant but deadly expression.

"It doesn't make sense. She's completely open, and yet..." Neosa trailed off, gritting her teeth.

"It's like she has no openings." Genesia finished, straining his face.

"Oi wena Frenchie! Are you gonna fight back or what? Eh?" Neosa yelled to try and elicit some kind of response from Kakara, but to no avail.

Kakara simply inhaled a deep breath through her nose and exhaled out her mouth. Like she was bored. Uninterested. Unbothered.

Oh don't you have some damn nerve thinking you're all that. Don't look down on us like that! Neosa became furious, being reminded of how Pharaoh made them feel like insignificant ants, unworthy of his attention when he was worthy of their anger.

"Neo." Calm down, is what I would say but... Genesia couldn't lie to himself when he felt just as pissed off at how disrespectful Kakara was treating this fight, like they weren't even a challenge for her.

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