Chapter Twenty-One

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I don't even know how long I been in Farlan room. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. I hug the pillow as blankets wrap around my frail body as I bury my face into the pillow that still smell like Farlan.

Scratches. I can hear them outside my door as whines of sadness from my dogs, telling me they were worry about me. I hear a knock on the door.

"Grace? It's Levi. I'm leaving food outside the door." Levi always leaves food outside my door. He should know better that I barely eat. I lost track of days, I was in Farlan room. I lost track on day three, but being a thug of an underground city, I got used to being hungering and starving myself.

"Grace open up." Levi order as he knocks on the door, I look at the door and then to the pillow as I hug it tighter. "Grace I can't take it anymore with you being depress!" Levi yells as I heard the loudest knocked, wait this one different knock. Was that a punch? The upper of my body got up as I stare at the door. The pillow lay on the bed as the sheets falls on my lap. "Grace stop this shit! Be strong! That's the promise you gave to us. Would Farlan and Isabel be happy of you breaking your promise and how your acting?" Levi says as I think about what he was saying, Farlan and Isabel, they wouldn't be happy if I was acting like this, how can I move on if there not here anymore. No, they're always with me. In my heart.

I get out of the bed, the floor is icy as the cold world hits my body. I walk up to the door as I open it. Levi stares at my big shirt and my skirt I was wearing. "Levi..... I miss them." I said as I hug Levi and he hugs back.

"I know." He let's go and stares at my figure again. "Come on. You need to eat, you haven't eaten for five months. You need food to live." Levi said as he grabs my hand, leading me to the mess hall. Good thing Levi is still alive, he's my only family left and I am Levi's only family left. Levi leads me to the mess hall and we both got some food. Today was soup along with bread, it's better than nothing. I dip my spoon as I scoop the spoon into the soup and bring it up to my mouth as I start taking a sip from the soup. The warmness goes down my throat as my stomach finally receives food in the last five months, I repeated the process as the soup became empty. The had the bread along as I take a bite out of it.

A tray hitting the table as I stop staring at my half eaten bread and see what the sound was coming from. Jason sat next to me as he stares at my empty soup. He push his tray to me as I stare at his tray and then back at him. "You need your energy and you haven't eaten for months." Jason said, as I examine the food, which Jason hasn't been touched yet.

"Thank you." I reply as I put the done bowl on the table and put my tray on the bottom of Jason tray as I started eating the soup. I looked at Jason as he watches me eat. He needs to eat as well, I thought as I take the new loaf of bread and pass it to him. "You need your energy too." I reply as I smile at Jason. He smiles at me and nudges my side.

"Okay." He reply as he takes the bread and started eating it. Ever since that day Levi helped me recover, he became a captain in the scouts, but he needs a squad, Levi ask me if I could help him found people with his interested and if I can get along with them. Levi and I talk to me with the new arrangement for me to visit him and the scouts that I have to talk to squad leaders and higher ups, like Hanji, Erwin, Mike, and Jason. I never got the chance to talk to the new arrivers. I still talk to Patty and Jeff, I ask them if we could take a break for a while just a month, so I can be with my brother and I also told them about Farlan and Isabel death. They both agree.

As I walk down the hall with a paper and a pencil, as write my next song I am working on. Soon I bumped into someone as I fall on the floor and the paper and pencil fall out of my hands. "I'm sorry." I said shyly as I didn't look at the person.

"No it's my fault of not looking of where I was going. I started to doze off." A deep tone voice reply as I look up and see a older man, with a chiseled feature as on his chin have little hair, his hair is blonde hair that the back is tied back into sort of bum, but it's more of a hoop and his blue eyes are friendly.

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