Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The 105th cadets walk all the way to Trost. Even though Trost is destroy from the titan attack, they still wanted to use it. Commander Pixis is observing of how far the training progress, I don't even know why Pixis? Anna, Alex, Alexis stare at the town shock, but wide eyes. Probably first time going to a city. Noah walks side me as he ignore the city, but Faith. She's a different story. Faith walks slowly as her head looks side to side, slowly. As we pass more building, Faith stops behind us. I stare at Faith as she looks at a house.

"Faith what's wrong?" Anna ask. Alex and Alexis including Noah look at Faith. Her body is facing at the house and her bag falls on to the floor.

"Faith?" Alex ask. Faith doesn't speak. I look at the house she was staring. The house is window broken, the door is almost broken along with blood spattering. Onc of the roof has debris and there is a gigantic hole in one of the room.

"Faith? Is everything okay?" Noah said as he walks up to Faith, she cover her face and says something. Noah quickly looks at me, eyes reading, 'this is bad.' Anna, Alex, Alexis, and I walk up yo Faith and Noah.

"Faith?" Alexis said as she pets Faith short blonde hair. Alex pats Faith shoulder, while Anna looks at the house.

"T-this..... is m-my...... home." Faith replies as tears can be spotted of Faith using her hand to cover herself in her face. I quickly start to cry silently and place my hand onto Faith shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I comfort Faith. Anna was the first to hug Faith as everyone surrounding Faith hug her, for her lost.

After Faith grieves over the loss of her home that she was most likely born, raise, and memories lost and buried of the fallen house we continue walking to cadets HQ. We got our rooms and headed out town for our training. We had to be in set of three, which was really hard, but luckily we got to be with each other perfectly. Alex, Faith, and Anna are in one team, Alex Thompsan the leader, while Noah, Alexis, and I are on another team. I was the leader. My team was assign to the frontline, but however of all the soldier who actually follow the order ignore it and tried to get extra 3DM gear points. I lead my team those extra points

"Grace aren't we suppose to be on the frontline?" Noaha ask as he struggle with running. Mental note; build Noah a better leg.


"Why are we leaving our position?" Alexis ask as all three of us jump in the air.

"Do you want more brownie points?" I asked as we shoot our hook. I felt the wind blowing in my hair, feeling the freedom and close enough to flying in the air. We continue to soar in the air and found nothing so far. Across the distance there three titans. I made my gas urge me to go forward and faster and cut one of the titans neck.

"What is your deal?" I hear a voice as I land on a damage roof. When I turn around, I already felt trouble was heading my way and the name started with a capital T and the last name capital F. Tina Fryer. While her team was distracted of Tina outburst, my team slip pass her team and Noah and Alexis got to the titan.

"Tina!" One of her teammates calls to her.

"What?" Tina bark, but her eyes widen when she see's Noah and Alexis next to there titan.

"Thanks Tina!" Alexis calls to Tina.

"I appreciate with your distraction for your team." Noah adds. Alexis and Noah keep going forward as I lead them. Alexis cut twelve titan, Noah cut seven, and I cut seventeen titan. In total it's twenty six titan together. In the afternoon, it was break time. Noah leans on the wall as he looks at his mechanical leg. "I hate this leg." Noah mumble.

"I know you do, but your improving." Alexis says. It's true even though his leg suck, his 3D gear scores are pretty decent. It weight more of him down and Noah is skinny. Really skinny, I'm not even sure he has bones.

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