Hall Pass

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After and uncomfortable exit from Carrie's house, Olivia and Julie made their way back to her house to get ready for the dance. Olivia told her what she had said to the boys, and Julie nodded. She hoped the same thing- that they wouldn't keep going into this.


"Wow, cute." Julie said, looking away from the mirror over to Olivia as she walked in the door. She did a spin, running her hands down her outfit. It was baggy, black joggers with butterfly chains running along the right side, a plain white, ribbed tank top, and her same old sneakers. Half her hair was pulled up into pigtails, that she had in fact brushed.

"You look amazing as always." Olivia said, making her way over to Julie. Her eyes glanced down at the outfit she had on, and she paused for a second. "Are those your mom's?" She asked, meeting Julie's eyes again.

Julie smiled and nodded. "Finally went through her stuff."

Olivia grinned, folding her arms. "I'm glad, and I think she would love this." She said. Julie smiled a little brighter, pulling her into a hug. "I love you." She said. Olivia smiled, pulling away. "I love you too."

Julie glanced at her phone that was resting on her bed. "Alright, it's 8:15. Should we head out?" She asked, grabbing her phone and slipping it into her pocket. Olivia pursed her lips, nodding reluctantly. "I guess. Let's go tell the boys." She said, turning on her heel towards the door.

"Oh- can't forget this." Julie said, making her stop and look back. Julie was holding some bulky, brick thing. "What the hell is that?" She asked, tilting her head at it. "It's our 'hologram' machine. You know, so, people won't start to question things." Julie answered, and Olivia froze for second before tilting her head in agreement. Julie laughed as she turned around again.

She opened door, leading Julie down the hall and stairs, and then outside to the garage, remembering to wave at Ray and Carlos. Olivia pulled open the garage door, not bothering to look before she said anything.

"I hope you three are ready to... bust a move." Her voice trailed off as she glanced around the empty studio. Her nose scrunched in irritation as her eyes landed on Luke's guitar.

"Where are they?" Julie asked, crossing her arms.

Olivia shook her, looking back at her. "You know what? Let's just go to the dance, and wait for them there. They'll show up." She said, linking her arm with Julie's and guiding her back out the garage. Her eyes glimpsed back in at the boys' instruments sitting there. She hoped they had listened to her because, this time, it wouldn't just be Julie upset. They would have let them both down.


The girls walked into the gym, blown away at all of Flynn's decorations and lights. The music was blasting even from where they were standing at the back. And the gym was filled with dancing kids, jamming out.

Olivia grabbed Julie's arm, dragging her through the large crowd to the stage, where Flynn was rocking the place.

"Hey!" Olivia yelled over the music, and Flynn's eyes darted up. She smiled as she saw her and Julie, and she ran around the DJ table to meet them.

"How are you feeling?" Flynn asked, mostly to Julie.

"I'm a bit nervous." She replied, and Olivia glanced at her. That was an understatement. She could not stop talking the whole way there. Olivia thought her head might fall off with everything that Julie was saying.

"You'll be fine. Your gears back stage, come on!" Flynn said, gesturing to the side.

Olivia and Julie nodded, making their way over to the stairs and behind the curtain, on the stage. Julie placed the giant light thing on one of the cabinet sets, as Flynn came around.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 | LukeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora