Ghost Motel

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     Julie bust through the garage doors, glaring at the boys who were rocking out on instruments Olivia didn't even know were in there. She wanted to be annoyed because Julie was, but hearing them rock out made her start to bop her head. Reggie noticed and grinned at her as he strummed his bass.

      "Guys! Guys stop!" Julie yelled, earning her attention once again. She slid past Reggie to stand next to her. Luke turned and continued strumming as he grinned at the two. Olivia glanced at his guitar, admiring it. She had a major guitar obsession ever since Julie's mom introduced her, and Carrie's dad taught her a few things. She basically used all her money to buy all sorts of different guitars to fuel her obsession. She dabbled with other stuff, but playing guitar was her ride or die.

      "Enough! Stop! Cut it out!" Julie yelled, crossing her arms. The boys continued on until they finished whatever they were playing, and smiled triumphantly with themselves. Olivia felt herself smiling at them, and she quickly removed it. It was moments like these where she saw how different her and Julie's personalities were. Sometimes, she couldn't remember why they were supposed to be mad or irritated. She just ended up not caring. She probably picked it up from whenever she was at home with her parents.

       "The whole neighborhood could hear you. I thought I told you to leave." Julie grumbled, shaking her head. The boys looked taken aback. "W-wait. People can hear us play?" Luke asked in astonishment, a grin spreading back onto his face wider than before. It made Olivia's return to her lips.

      "Yes!" Julie cried, moving her hands as she talked. Olivia slid her hands into her pockets. "Pretty spooky." She added, but Julie glared her direction and she looked away.

      "W-wait! So, only you guys can see us, but everyone can hear us! I mean, what kind of ghosts are we?" Alex laughed in disbelief, and the other two smiled. "Who cares, man? People can hear us play!" Luke grinned, fist bumping both of them. "We might be dead, but our music isn't." Reggie added.

      Olivia shook her head as she let out a quiet snicker. These guys were unbelievable. They couldn't stay on one topic for more than two seconds. She supposed they made up for it with wits and good looks. God, if Flynn were seeing this, she would be all over them.

     "Dad!" Julie suddenly said, causing her to whip her head towards the door. Ray walked in, smiling at the two.

      "Just checking in. You girls alright?" He asked, getting distracted by the instruments. "Yep, all good Mr. Molina." Olivia replied, backing up closer to Julie.

      His eyes gleamed at the sight of the instruments. "Woah! Is this the junk that was in the loft?" "Junk!?" Luke shook his head, furrowing his brows at Ray. Olivia shot him a look, and he cocked his head at her, which caused her to let out a laugh. She quickly slammed her hand over her mouth. She didn't need Ray thinking her and Julie had gone off the deep end.

      He seemed distracted anyway, by Alex's drums. He tapped his fingers over the drums, grinning to himself. "Some of this stuff's in good shape. We could make a pretty penny off these." He said, running his hands over the cymbals.

      Alex's eyes widened. "What? Yo, stop touching my drums. Tell him to stop touching my drums!" He grumbled, pointing his hand over Ray's arm at the set. He looked to Olivia and Julie, and Luke cocked his head at them, which Julie returned. Olivia rubbed her lips together to stop herself from laughing for the millionth time that night, shrugging at them.

     "I liked that song you had on." Ray said, making his way back around the drums. "Sweet! We're Sunset Curve!" Luke grinned. "Tell your friends." Reggie chimed in, like it was some sort of slogan. Olivia shook her head at the two fools.

      "It's just an old CD we found." Julie shrugged, and she nodded in agreement. "Super old. Like ancient even." Olivia exaggerated, which stifled a laugh from Julie and Ray. The boys looked extremely unamused, and Luke shot her a grimacing look.

       "Well, still, it's nice that you're listening to music again." Ray said, "Out here you can play whatever you want, whenever you want." He smiled, moving his arms out to the sides, protruding them through Luke and Reggie, and then back to his chest.

      "Oh, that's nice." Reggie smiled, nodding and looking between the boys with a child-like gleam. He was really too cute for a seventeen-year-old. "Stay out of it!" Julie scoffed, and his smile faded.

      "I-I'm sorry, honey. I didn't-" Ray began, and Olivia shook her head. Things were getting way to confusing. She looked over at Julie, who had wide eyes. "You know what dad; can you give me a moment?" Julie said, wandering over to Ray and pushing him out the door. Olivia watched Reggie wave, and she laughed to herself.

      "He likes our song!" Luke grinned, and Reggie smiled back at him. Alex shrugged, shaking his head. "Oh yeah. He doesn't count. He's a dad." He sighed. Olivia narrowed her eyes at the three. "Your song was a 6/10 at best." She said sarcastically. The boys jaws dropped as they whipped their heads towards her.

      "Oh yeah, like you could do any better." Luke said, walking towards her. Olivia shrugged, grinning at him. "I can definitely play better than a D+." She replied, crossing her arms. "Right-"

      "Why can't you guys just be normal ghosts?" Julie interjected, "Hang out in an old mansion. I hear Pasadena's nice!" She grumbled, storming out the garage. The smile on Olivia's face dropped away, and she sighed heavily.

      "I think she's warming up to us." Alex said, turning to the boys.

     "Yeah, I've always wanted to go to Pasadena." Reggie said, nodding to himself.

      Olivia shook her head at them. "You guys are so annoying. You might want to talk to her if you really want to stay. Or else, pack your bags and find another garage to loiter around in." She said before running out after Julie.

      She skid to a stop as she saw Luke appear before her. It was probably best to leave them to talk. It wasn't her decision to make, and it wasn't a conversation she needed to be part of. She slipped off so they couldn't see her, but stood for when it was over.

      She could hear bits and pieces of their conversation, though she was trying to block it out. She heard Julie say something about her day, and then Luke say something about his bands bad twenty-five years and how he was sorry he came into her life, which made her heart twang a little. Then, she heard Julie's mom mentioned, and her breath hitched in her throat. Her head fell to look at her feet. She hadn't even noticed Reggie and Alex were now out there.

      Olivia peaked around from where she was standing, and saw the four all talking. Then Julie started to laugh, and she smiled to herself. It seemed like she was coming around. Her expressions kept changing with theirs, and then her lips parted as Julie began to turn away. Then, she turned back. Olivia felt a smile raise and then a full grin as the boys all started to grin. It was confirmed when Reggie said, 'Dibs on the shower!'

      Olivia walked out from hiding, smiling at Julie as she made her way towards her. The boys all turned to look at her eyeing her suspiciously. "Have you been hiding this entire time?" Alex asked as she met up with Julie. "Maybe." She smirked, linking her arm in with Julie's. "It's not nice to eavesdrop." Luke raised a brow at her, in which she tilted her head. "It's not nice to poof into the studio uninvited." She threw back, and Luke shook his head at her.

      "Goodnight boys." Olivia said as her and Julie walked away. She was glad they were staying.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 | LukeWhere stories live. Discover now